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3 weeks have went by today is me and joes wedding day i am 3 weeks pregnant i went to the doctors with sasha yesterday she had a miscarraige she was devastated about it and it turned out the baby wasnt jons so he dumped her so now all sasha has is me i havent seen joe all week because we and to separate for the week because it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding he doesnt know what the baby or babies is but i do and the gender reveal is at the wedding joe made galina a cook at the wedding today i dont feel comfortable with it i know we are on good terms but she out dye in my shampoo yesterday it turned my hair purple i think she did it on purpose but im not sure anyways i am in my dressing room now getting ready i just got out the shower and did my hair up into a bun i walked over to my wedding dress and accessories in the pic above i nervously picked them up i put everything on then walked to the main part in my dressing room sitting in the chair as sasha did my make up
Sasha:You are a gorgeous bride Riley
Me:I dont feel gorgeous im nervous
Sasha:Its probably the pregnancy side affects
Me:No its not ot can't be
Sasha:Do you think that joe will be happy that your having...
Me:yea hes been talking about wanting...but i wanted...but i will matter what
Sasha:Thats great
Sasha finished my make up and handed me my flowers as i put on my veil on tears grew in my eyes then joes dad walked in with joelle behind him its a long story about me and sashas dad
Sika;Hes ready sweetheart
I locked arms with sika walking out
Joe pov
I watched bridesmaid walk down the aile then joelle walk down the aile in a white dress dropping flower petals then i saw my dad with Riley walking down the aile my eyes widened when i saw Riley her wedding dress hugged her body showing off all of her curves and everything i was snapped out of my thoughts when i noticed she was standing in front of me looking really nervous i moved the veil from her face looking into her pretty green eyes smiling
Priest:We gather these two here today to be joined in marriage in holy matrimony and live happily until the day they die Leati Joeseph Anoai do you take Riley marie Varnado to be your lawfully wedded wife
Me:I do
Priest:Riley marie varnado do you take Leati Joeseph anoai to be your lawfully wedded husband
Riley looked around then back at me smiling showing her dimples
Riley:I do
Priest:If there is anybody who has a reason these two should not be wedded please speak now or forever hold your peace
There was a long silence i sighed in relief
Priest:May we please have the rings
Then a 3 year old boy that looked like Riley ran down the aile giving riley the rings
???:Here you go big sissy
Everyone awwed as i chuckled Riley giggled kneeing down to his height
Riley:Thanks Ryan
Then he ran and sat by rileys mom i slipped the ring on her finger as she did the same for me i chuckled
Priest:You may kiss the bri...
Then i kissed riley passionately as she kissed back
Priest:Or go before i finish
Riley wrapped her arms around my neck as the kiss got deeper into a makeout session everyone started clapping and pictures were taken but we were still kissing
Brie:Are they breathing
Sasha:Ok guys thats enough
We ignored them and kept making out
Jon:Dude you can pull away now
We didn't pull away of course we werent gonna i mean we had to go a week without seeing each other then i was pulled away from her by all the groomsmen and Riley was pulled away by all the bridesmaids Riley giggled blushing as i chuckled
Sasha;Ok guys if you would join us in the back for dinner which is served everyone ran to the back door
Riley:Damn they better be hungry
Sasha giggled me and riley intertwined our fingers walking to the back when we walked threw the doors everyone applauded as we walked to the table sitting at the main 2 seats for us everyone fixed their plates except riley who didnt eat at all
Me:Baby eat something
Riley:Oh its fine babe im not hungry and i already fit this dress i dint want it to be too small by the end of the night
Me:Umm...ok babygirl
Then the food started tasting funny i spit whatever was in my mouth into a napkin and drunk my water throwing my plate away and sitting back down damn i see why she didnt get a plate i looked at everyone else who was eating then some people got up running to the bathroom while the others were in line to go i looked back at Riley who stood up walking into the kitchen i followed her Riley walked towards galina handing me her flowers so i held them
Riley:You expected me to eat that bullshit food which gave everyone the shits
Galina:Riley what are you talking about
Riley:You know exactly what im talking about
I looked around the kitchen i didnt see anything wrong then i looked on the counter behind her looking at a bottle of laxatives Riley saw it to
Me:Galina i think you should leave i will drop jojo off
Riley:and take your shit causers too
I chuckled
Me:Their called laxatives
Riley:Same damn thing
galina picked up the bottle and left
Sasha:Ok guys walk back to the front for the gender reveal for the baby or babies
In the front
I sat in a chair at a table i was the only one at a table riley stood in the front next to me everyone else sat in the stands
Riley:Ok baby what i need you to do is look at the 8 cupcakes sitting on the table in front of you
I looked at them
Riley:When you press the button on the remote i gave you a certain number of cupcakes will explode which ever one or ones dont you have to break it or them in half and read the paper inside of it covered in icing
Rikey:All the cupcakes are rhe same color cause i didnt want to give anything away when i say go press the button
I chuckled

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