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(They speak Korean only this whole chapter)
       That day after going to sleep at 4 in the morning, I woke up semi-early. At 11am to be exact and headed into the kitchen. I made myself a nice big breakfast and looked out the the gloomy sky. It was always my favorite weather and I enjoyed the sound and sights of thunder and lightning. The atmosphere set the perfect mood for painting and I was itching to get my hands on a brush again.

    Memories from the past night came into my mind as I munched on frozen strawberries. They all came over and we sat on my balcony for about two more hours, just talking and getting to know each other more, until they left at around 4 in the morning. Nina was apparently sleeping over their house and I laughed from the balcony as I watched her and Jackson chase each other down the street. Bambam and I joked around more than Jackson which was shocking, he claimed to be better at English than I was at Korean so we had a full blown battle to see who spoke the foreign languages better.

"Next item." Yugyeom held up a cucumber and I struggled to find the word, BamBam jumped beside me excitdly, Already knowing the word but not knowing how to say it.

"Pickle!" He eventually screeched, smacking his hand on the counter.

  I let out a loud laugh, having to clutch my stomach in pain. "Oi!" I screamed, finally getting the word.

  JB drummed his fingers on the counter, creating a drum roll as we awaited to see who was correct.

  "And the point goes to Sage!" Yugyeom did a weird dance only to make me laugh louder, the sugar high from the ice cream becoming stronger and stronger.

"A pickle is a cucumber but it's preserved in vinegar for a few days." I informed him, they all listened to me carefully as if the pickle making process was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Let's play the common game!" Nina suggested, earning claps of support from BamBam and Junior.

  "Yes, I love that game!" Mark stuck his tongue out at me from across the counter and I retaliated the same way, earning a laugh. We all took seats around the large marble counter, BamBam beside me.

    "How do we play that?" Yugyeom asked, looking embarrassed that he didn't know the game.

    "Someone says one word and the person next to them says something that's related to it then the person next to them says something related to what they said and so and and so on, you have 10 seconds to answer or you're out. It has to make sense as well, obviously." I told him, he nodded and a competitive grin took over his face.

  "Jackson you start, you always say funny things." Mark chuckled, earning a nonchalant shrug from Jackson.

    "Get ready. 1, 2, 3. Toilet paper!" He yelled, the rest of us listened to Nina to see what she answered.

    "Garbage can!" She replied.

    Marks turn was next and he immediately responded, "banana peel!" We all laughed and Yugyeom went next.

    "Condom." We all looked confused before figuring it out and laughing, JB going next with a shrug.


    Junior from beside him shook his head, "Annoying." Next it was my turn and I already had my word figured out.

    "Mark." I smirked, everyone flipped out and began screaming. Mark gasped, standing up and walking over to me. I ran out of my stool before he got to me, the first place I thought of going to was my room. I ran in and attempted to shut the door but he slipped in and locked it behind him as he stood in front of the handle.

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