He Does Care about Me

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Naruto gulped as the man opened his cage. He had a scroll and when he opened it a big spiky hammer appeared with what appeared to be shakels. Naruto wanted to run, but he was grabbed in the back by two other men. The big guy threw one of the smaller guys the shakels. The guy heaved them on to Naruto's arms, and the hand shackles were heavier then he thought and he fell the the ground. The small guys chained Naruto to the wall and the big guy got closer. Naruto watched in horror as memories from his childhood flooded his field of vision.

Like whe he was five when he was beaten to a near death state in an ally for walking. Or when he was 4 he was kicked out of the orphanage for living. Or when he was three when he was in the orphanage and was starved for breathing.

Naruto felt the breathe knocked out of him as the giant stick made contact with his body. His torso and black T-shirt was all bloody. The T-shirt was already oversized to begain with. Naruto spit out some blood with the next hit. And another one. And another one. And another one. Until he was slammed against the wall, having the wind knocked out of him, he gacked a large wad of blood. Naruto was held versoly by his neck. The pressure was so great and was getting greater, he could barley breathe until the man heard a crack. He let go of some of the pressure and smiled as he traced Naruto's whiskers. But was distasted at how they healed to quickly, so he stuck shuriken in each one and let go of the poor boy. Who fell the floor coughing for air.

"Hour's up, come on boys"the two little men sealed the shackles and weapons and left but not before spitting the word demon.

Sasuke came to his post moments later with Hinata and they were surprised at the bloody broken Naruto. Hinata lost all her words.

Naruto stumbled over to the wall, not paying mind to the two stunned figures. Kurama popped out of thin air and red chakra started swirling around Naruto, his wounds healing.

"Naruto!" Hinata finally found her words and grabbed the bars of the cage. Naruto and Kurama looked at her from where they were sitting.

"Oh hey Hinata-chan" Naruto rasped out, Sasuke cringed.

"Hold on Naruto! I'll help you!" Hinata said in her timid voice and looked at Sasuke. Sasuke turned and countinued to his post. Hinata scowled. "So you're just gonna leave him like this? He was your teammate, was he not?" Hinata asked, Sasuke stopped.

"Don't worry Hinata-chan. Kurama is healing me." Naruto reassured in his hoarse raspy voice.

"Yes, but kit you need medical nin-jutsu, your vocal chords are permentantly broken and you need some more assistance then just me." Kurama replied bluntly.

"Sasuke" Hinata said "I know medical Nin-jutsu, it's not alot, but I think it can help him. Please." Hinata pleaded. Naaruto was seeing black spot cover his vision and he could barley hear anything. He felt Kurama's presence go away and now from his sitting posision he felt like he was gonna fall, and he was about to...about to.

Instead of stone, he felt his head land on something else....someBODY. Not Kurama. And then he felt releif, someone was healing him. But NOT Kurama.

Sasuke was supporting Naruto as he took light breaths for air. Hinata was using her medical nin-jutsu. Naruto leaned more heavily on Sasuke, which indecated he was asleep.

"Sasuke, keep him awake...please" Hinata shyly commanded.

"Come on dobe, stay awake" Sasuke shook Naruto a little. Naruto groaned alittle.

"But...it...hurts" Naruto confessed quietly.

"I know sorry, Naruto-kun" Hinata said.

"Just hang in there loser" Sasuke said. Naruto shifted on Sasuke slightly.

"Why...do...you...care....teme" Naruto weakly questioned. Sasuke paused on this one., but scoffed a little.

"Maybe....because I care about my friends" Sasuke looked at the ceiling. Hinata was surprised but kept focus on Naruto. Naruto was shocked although he couldn't show it.

Hinata finished and leaned back .

"Hinata" Naruto said going forward but groaning at the pain in his throat.

"Sorry...Naruto-kun...as Kurama said...earlier....your vocal chords ....have perminant.... damage" Hinata said panting.

"Oh it's fine" Naruto said in his newly accuired rasp. Then Kurama appeared. "Kurama mind lending some of my chakra to Hinata...NOT yours"

"Do you think I'm an idiot" Kurama said walking over to Hinata "If I used mine her network would burn. Only you can withstand my chakra."

"Why is that?" Sasuke asked inquisitive. Naruto smirked at the ground.

"Well I guess since you're my friend I can trust you with the truth...but promise you won't tell anyone, not even the Hokage" Sasuke nodded and waited for Naruto to countinue. It took a while but Naruto finally opened his mouth to speak "Ok to answer your first question. It's the seal. To answer why I'm friends with Kurama...well it's because the attack 15 years ago was all...how should I put this...minipulated" Sasuke was slightly shocked but didn't inturrupt.

"You see when Naruto-kun was born, his mother was the Jinchuuriki" Hinata said.

"And right after the kit was born, a masked man took Kushina away and extracted me, and controlled me, because I didn't have all of my control right after being released." Kurama said.

"So basically you were controlled to destroy the village." Sasuke summed up "Seems reasonable, but by whom"

"That's just it all we know about the man is that he weilded a sharingon eye...but only one...in his right eye. And you couldn't touch him."Naruto said.

"So that's why you wanted to know about the Uchiha clan history..." Sasuke inquired. Naruto nodded.

"But you can't tell this to anyone, we don't have enough information to present" Naruto said and Sasuke nodded. Then Sasuke scoffed.

"And to think this whole time the majority of the Nine-tails attack was a mystery when in reality you had the most information. The dobe, who would've guess."

"Yeah good cover if I do say so myself" Kurama said nuzzling agianst Naruto's leg like a cat.

"Hey!" Naruto shouted as the rest of his comrades laughed. His friendship circle slowly increaseing.

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