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Josh watched Tyler out of the corner of his eye while they were sat on the couch. They had put on a movie a half hour ago but Tyler hasn't been paying attention at all. He was fidgeting with his hands in his lap and continuing to look everywhere except the tv. He gave Josh a nervous glance before looking away again. Josh sighed and paused the movie.

"What's wrong, Ty?"

Tyler bit his lip. "Um... I was just wondering... if like... I mean." He took a deep breath. "Could you stuff me tonight?"

Josh's eyes widened. He didn't expect that at all. It had been a week since he had told Tyler the "truth" but he didn't expect him to get so into this. They had basically continued as normal with Tyler overeating at every meal. The only difference was that Tyler was aware that he was doing it to gain weight.

The silence made Tyler panic and his face turned to a deep red. "Forget I said anything." He mumbled as he looked down.

Josh grabbed his arm. "No! No, it's fine. I just didn't expect that. But... Don't you stuff yourself every night?" He asked confused.

Tyler smiled sheepishly. "Um, yeah. I just kind of wanted you to feed me this time?"

Josh's jaw dropped. Tyler laughed quietly at his boyfriend's reaction and his face got even more red. "Is that a yes?"

Josh nodded quickly. "For sure! Yes!" He then realized he sounded way too excited. Now it was his turn to blush.

A small smile spread across Tyler's face. "There's one more thing... I kind of want to be so stuffed that I can't move. Is that okay?"

And yeah, okay, that left Josh a little breathless. All he could do was nod.

Tyler laughed again. "Pizza?"


Tyler went a little overboard on ordering.

"Ty, there's no way you can eat five pizzas."

"Yes I can, Josh."

"No you can't."

"Yes. I. Can."

"You're wrong."

"I'm right."

Tyler was wrong.

So far he had eaten two full pizzas and had barely started the third. He was leaning back in his chair trying to get comfortable but it really wasn't working. His tummy was sitting in his lap and his shirt had ridden half way up his torso. He had unbuttoned his pants long before, but the waist was still digging into his love handles.

"Another slice, please?" Tyler grumbled. He was seriously full. Why did he think five pizzas would be good?!

Josh looked at him with concern. "I think you're done, Ty."

"Noooo!" Tyler whined and kicked his feet. "I wanna be stuffed." He pouted.

Josh chuckled. "I think you're already there, baby boy." He poked Tyler's stomach and his finger only sunk in the tiniest bit, only because of the extra padding he now had.

"One more slice."


"Just one."

Josh sighed. "I don't want you hurting yourself."

"Please?" Tyler pleaded.

Josh huffed as he grabbed another slice. He brought it to his boyfriend's lips and Tyler took a big bite.

Once Tyler was done, he groaned loudly. "Why did I do that?"

"You insisted." Josh chuckled. "Alright, let's get you to the couch."

Tyler tried to lean forward and get up, but he was surprised to find that he couldn't even move. He was actually so stuffed that he couldn't move. He looked at Josh with hesitant eyes. "Umm..."

Josh swallowed tightly. "You can't move?"

Tyler shook his head. He stuck out his bottom lip and lifted his arms up. "Carry me?"

Josh playfully rolled his eyes and picked him up. He tried to keep his cool, but it was seriously such a turn on that he had fed his boyfriend so much that he couldn't even move on his own.

He carefully brought Tyler into the living room and gently lowered him to the couch. Tyler smiled gratefully but then his face twisted with a grimace. "Ow." He grabbed his stomach.

Josh's face flashed with concern. "What's wrong?"

"It hurts. I ate too much."

Josh grinned. "That's what happens when you overeat, babe. I know something that'll help."

Josh kneeled down next to the couch and placed his hands on his boyfriend's belly. He started to rub gentle circles and massage it.

Tyler hummed in contentment. "That feels nice."

They stayed like that for a while, the only sound being the grumbles from Tyler's belly and his shallow breaths.

"I feel bad that I couldn't eat it all."

Josh looked up quickly. "Ty, you did great. Better than great. And now you have leftovers."

Tyler shrugged. He brought a hand up to cover his mouth as he yawned. "Can we go to bed soon? I'm tired."

Josh nodded. "Of course, baby boy."


if anybody has any suggestions on what should happen/what you'd like to see in the upcoming chapters of Tyler's gain, I would love to hear them!! (also would help me out a lot bc I only have long term plans for this story and have no idea what to do leading up to them lol)

fatten you up // joshler Where stories live. Discover now