Chapeu two

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After we were done eating Jungkook said his would take me to go to the arcade while my mom and step dad are gonna do stuff together. We got to the arcade and I saw my BFF Aubrie with her little  sister playing bowling so I ran up to her and scared her "oh my god your here! Also who did you come with?" Aubrie asked
"I came with my brother " I said pointing to the seagull boy getting coins for us to play the games.
" never told me he was cute wait no scratch that I mean..... HAWT!!!" She said while her sister just gagged. " meh he's alright but he looks like a seagull boy to me" I mentioned to her but she was just looking at him smiling like an idiot
" hey Kennedy is this your friend? Hi I'm Jungkook" he said with a cute smile . Aubrie literally almost fainted but I caught her " don't mind her Kookie she just has wierd reactions with boys" I said and stood her up
"H-hi I'm uh what my name?" she said nervously "ugh your name is Aubrie " I told her " he does not look like a seagull he is an angel"she whispered to me " your to wierd anyways we'll see y'all later bye homies" I said and gave her a peace sign " later after this you wanna get boba tea?" Jungkook asked " sure" I said and gave him my gummy smile. While walking around I tripped on a wire and fell witch cause me to get a sprang ankle " ouch OWW " I yelped in pain " Kennedy are you alright!?" He said trying to help me up but it hurt like shit so I couldn't get up and I just kept trembling on to the floor
"Here get on my back" he said so I tried my best to climb on " thanks kookie" I said and rest my head on his shoulder " no problem your light as a feather anyway" he said chuckling cutely. After the arcade we drove to the boba tea place and got some drinks then back to a house that was totally not mine but it was fancy AF! My moms car was there so I think this is Jungkooks house I don't really know . As we walked in well actually he held me up so I can limp my way in to the house to sit on the couch and the couch was so comfy that I think I can become a couch potato on this. Jungkook went to the kitchen and came back with an ice pack to help my ankle then for a while it was quite so I chose to break it " again thank you kookie" I thanked him " it's alright I mean you always need a helping hand right" he said with a sad expression " hey what's wrong?" I said really concerned for him " it's that I won't be able to see you so often and I really like hanging out with you because your a cool and funny step sister but I can't do it all the time due to busy schedules and I'll be gone for a long time after the wedding" he said and I just patted his back wondering why but I didn't want things to get awkward between us here so I kept it cool.
" here have my number so when your away or something like that video call me okay" I told him to comfort the mood " thanks Lil sis " he said and smiled again " that's the seagull boy smile I was looking for" I said then covered my mouth because I said 'SEAGULL BOY' he just gave me a confused look ugh me and my big mouth . FML

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