Chaptereu fiveu

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I finally got my ladybug from Tae and and I am so tired of chasing him . But the way I got the ladybug was when Tae dragged us all the way to the park and bumped in to a pole . Jungkook had to carry him all the way home then when we got home Tae was jumping on the couch like a weirdo. "I want candy oppa can we go to the candy store" I said doing my best aegyo "okay then let's go" he said as we all got into the car . On the way there we listened to Exo and Seventeen on the radio and Jungkook kept singing he sound really good . When we got to the candy store I saw what heaven looked like then after the check out we came back with seven bags of candy in our hands like damn how rich is Jungkook.

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We all ate as much candy as possible " hey who ate my lollipop!" I said holding just the stick "are you going crazy you ate it" Jungkook said pointing at the stick and looked at my colorful lips while just laughing like the maniac he is. I took some of Jungkooks candy and ran away with Jasmine to my room then I locked the door "HEY GIVE ME BACK MY CANDY!!!!" Jungkook said through the door "ITS OUR CANDY NOW MWAHAHA!!!" I said in an evil tone "YEAH WE ARE GONNA EAT ALL OF THE CANDY" Jasmine said "we need to hide the candy so he won't get it quick" I whispered to Jasmine the she hid the candy in the closet but there was only one piece left so we gave it to Jungkook " where did the other candy go?" He asked " uh....we ate it all" I stuttered damit why did I stutter "oh your gonna pay!!!" Jungkook yelled as I ran passed him and went down stairs to hide behind Tae " Taehyung help" I whisper shouted to him "don't worry He won't do anything while im here" he said "HERES KOOKIE!!!" Jungkook said and found me then carried me on his back so I kept smacking him on the head. He threw me on the couch and grabbed a pillow then started to hit me with it "WHO. SAID. YOU. CAN. HAVE. MY. CANDY." He said while hitting me then we heard a buzz it came from Jungkooks phone "hello? Who is this?" He ask on the phone so I assumed it was an unknown number "WHAT?!" Jungkook said then I saw a tear run down his face "Jungkook what's wrong?!" I said "um...n-nothing" he said then hugged me so tight "Jungkook?" I said "your living with me now and it's an order so please don't ask questions " he said and broke the hug to talk to Tae in private then I went back to my room to pack my stuff since I have to live with Jungkook "What happened just there" Jasmine asked "I don't really know but I have to live with Jungkook " I said "oh then I'm gonna miss you and I have to go my moms pulling in to the drive way so see ya make sure to call me okay?" She said and zoomed out of the door.
I went to talk to Tae in private so we went to my room " Hey what's wrong why are you crying?" He asked and patted my back "m-my parents
d-died how am I supposed to tell Kennedy?" I said between sobs I felt a strong pain in my chest "I-it hurts Taehyung what am I supposed to do now?" I said and sobbed more and more "I think it's better off if you don't tell her I mean who knows what will happen if she finds out we don't want her to be hurt" he said "yeah I guess but I have to make sure she doesn't know anything about it" I said and got up to pack my stuff. "Call the hyungs and tell them a that we will be coming early" I said and Tae called Namjoon.
I got all my stuff pack when I saw Jungkook come out of his room with puffy eyes but I'm not gonna ask why because I don't really want to make the situation worst "I got everything packed" I said and he just smiled and 20 minutes later a black van came into the drive way so we all got in. We arrived at an airport and when they called our plane number we boarded the plane. I put my earphones in my ear and listened to Seventeen,Got7,and EXO then I fell asleep.
            ((((Time skipped))))
I woke up right when I saw that we had landed but I noticed I was leaning on Jungkooks shoulder he giggled when he saw that I was awake so I lightly smacked his arm then he pretended that it hurt him. We got off then Jungkook and Tae searched for the  people who are picking them up "HYUNGS!!!" Jungkook yelled and went to a group of guys with mask on covering half of their faces hugging him. "Um...hello" I said quietly hiding behind Jungkook "oh yeah hyungs this is Kennedy my new sister" Jungkook said excitedly. We got into another black van and 15 minutes later we arrived at a big house I grabbed my bags out of the trunk and walked in the house "Wow this house is decent" I said "thank you we cleaned up really nice before we go to our macknaes welcome back concert party !" a really short black haired boy said
"C-concert?" I said "yeah a lot of people are gonna be there is there something wrong with concerts?" A boy with minty hair said "um..uh"
((((((((((((Flashback to 6 years))))))))))))
We were on our way to my dads concert but I had to stay backstage while they were done performing they were answering some questions from people then my dad called me up to the stage so I went to go on stage and ran to my dad but I fell of the stage on to the ground and broke my arm and leg then was sent to the ER and had to have cast on both my leg and my good right arm. I couldn't do anything for two whole years and had to quit soccer classes and other activities.
((((((((((((((((Flashback ended))))))))))))
"Um hello?"I didn't even notice people were staring at me and Jungkook was waving his hand in front of my face. " nothing is wrong with concerts" I said "oh yeah We forgot to introduce ourselves I'm Namjoon the leader of bangtan" he said and after all of them were done introduced themselves I look at all of them "you guys are all pabo and jamless also I'm 2 FAB 4U" I said and saw that their jaw dropped"close your mouth or a fly will lay eggs in there" I said discussed and walked away and into the van.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2016 ⏰

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