The Turn of Life (One Shot)

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The sound of the buzzing of my alarm woke me up. It's 9 in the morning, August 3rd. Today's birthday. Bet It'll be just like another day. Since that it was also the day . . . The day that my mom died. They say that she died giving birth to me.

And all my life, seemed to be a sin.

I stood up and prepared myself for school. It was a quick fix. I walked downstairs and saw my dad staring at the window, Sitting at his favorite chair, Clutching that old box of his that he always held.

He was always like this. Well that's since I was born people said.

I snapped out from staring at dad when Gilbert, Our butler, Called me for breakfast. I sat down and ate it quickly. I headed to school right after it. 

The school, ofcourse, was a living hell hole. But through the whole day, I thought of having a dinner for me later. Buying a small cake, pasta and stuff later. I'll surprise dad. Maybe, he'll finally snap out of his depression. Finally snap out that he didnt just lose a wife that night. That I also lost a mother. Maybe he'll see my effort and change?

Finally, the bell rang and we were dismissed.

I headed to the cake store, bought me a small caramel cake, with a dedication that said "Happy Birthday Toffee!". I was happy to have that, it was even my first time having one. I bought Spaghetti and Steak too. I saved up my allowance this month for tonight's

Dinner. I finally reached home. It was quiet. and somehow dark. I called for dad. Then Gilbert.

I got a phone call. "Master Christopher" it was Gilbert. I sense sympathy. "Your father. . ." Then I went deaf. My hand dropped and My food spewed all over the floor. Hot tears stramed my eyes.

Then I bolted outdoors and ran to the Hospital. It started to rain. I don't care, I need to get to my dad. I sob and cried while I was running. I don't care if it's 5 blocks away. I need to get to my dad.

I finally got to the place. By that time, I was totally wet. My clothes, My bag, Everything. I went straight to the ER. "Dad! Dad! Where are you? Dad!" I yelled and screamed while I am crying. Gilbert. I should find Gilbert.

I found him staring at me, He's at the corner. with Sympathy in his eyes. 

I ran towards him

He approached me saying "Master I- I" then sighed. He bowed his head and looked into a bed.

I see Dad. Eyes closed.

I Shoot a hug towards him. While crying and sobbing. Whispering "Dad. . . Don't. . . Please. . ."

He opened his eyes and said "Toffee. . . I- I'm sorry." He pushed the old box that he always clutched to me. He smiled and I heard the heart monitor beep. 

"Dad? . . . Dad! . . . Anyone! Dad! Somebody help him! Dad!"

Doctors came rushing towards our bed.

Then I broke down.


Later that night, he was confirmed dead. 

I locked myself in my room.

Doing nothing, but staring at that little box dad gave me.

I wouldnt go to the funeral.

It would be too painful for me.

Gilbert constantly bringing me food. I heard Uncle Dan had my custody now.

Days passed and I didnt noticed that It was already Dad's Burial.

I'm not really ready.

I heard Knocking at my door.

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