Chapter 9

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Hello again  <3 <3 <3.

(Harry's POV )

"Children here you are. I was trying to find you ! " Mrs Weasly came running to us." Come on, it cake time!" She said with a smile.

"Cake time!!" Ron said and everyone laughed.  Hermione launghed too. How much I wanted her to laugh. Her beautiful smile. When she laugh she became even more beautiful. I saw Ron catch Ginny from her hand and start running towards the house. Mrs Weasly followed them and George fall from the tree cause of his laughing. That made me and Hermione laughed even more. I closed my eyes as Hermione fell in the ground. When I open my eyes and stop laughing I realised that George has gone. 'Very funny George, leave me and Hermione alone so we can be in awkward situation until someone decide to say something that probably make the situation even more awkward.' I thought

"Hey George are you o..."Hermione said and looked  around. "...okay? " She was searching for George for some minutes. Then she turned to me" Where is George? "

"Don't know"

"Oh " She looked around still sitting at the ground

"I like your dress"

"It makes me look less ungly"

"It makes you look more beautiful "It said and she blushed

"Good for you that your girlfriend isn't here. She would fell jealous "

"Why, she know that we are just friends, nothing more "

"Yeah, just friends "

I sat in the ground near her."Tell me more about your life in Australia, I want to know everything about you, because I'm still your best friend, and you know it."

"I have some friends like Ashley, Jess, and Sam. They're very cool. My best friend is Ash.."

"I'm your best friend, aren't I? "I asked her and looked her, with eyes full of hope,

"You or Ashley, you or Ashley, hmm. Let me think." She said and after a second she jump on me, pulling me on the ground " You of course". I was laying on the ground, with her using me like a bed, her hands around my waist and her head on my chest. I knew that I was crushing her hands but she didn't try to pull them away and I didn't want to destroy the moment.
' I'm in love' I thought ' but the girl I love isn't my girlfriend but the one who was on top of me hugging me' I could felt my heart beat very fast and my hands tremble. I slowly put them around her naked back. I love this dress. I felt like she wore it for me.

"Your heart beat very fast " She giggled."I can hear it "

"Yeah , it's because. ." Think Harry. Something clever"...I forgot something, and Ginny will going to kill me" I hope that she believed me

"You're an awful lier"

"Why you don't believe me?" She looked me in my eyes. I have missed those chocolate eyes so much. Why should I have ask Ginny out? She touched our foreheads so I could feel her breath in my mouth. I close my eyes. 'Please kiss me, please' I thought.

"Why did you prefered her?" She said softly. "Because I left? Or she is more beautiful?" She put her hand on my chest trying to feel the beat of my heart.

"Oh Hermione, I'm sorry "I said as she kiss my nose. The feeling of her lips on my skin is perfect. More that perfect. She kiss my jaw and I felt this perfect feeling again. She put her head again on my chest and her hands resting on my shoulders.

" Your heart is beating fast again. Do you remember anything else and you are afraid of Ginny? You can go to your girlfriend and explain her so she won't kill you. "

"Hermione, I.."

"Shhh" She said and put a finger against my lips. I saw her close her eyes "Enjoy the moment, it won't last long"

I close my eyes too. It was us. Me and Hermione.

(Hermione's POV )

I had my eyes closed. It was only us. Me and Harry.

I felt Harry's fingers strocking the skin of my back.

"We should go to the house "Harry said. I looked him disappointed "They would probably looking for us"

"Okay then" I said and I stoud up. Immediately I felt my body missing him. He stoud up after me and together we made our way to Weasley's house.

My mom was sitting outside talking with an old lady. When she saw me she run at me and hugged me.

"Oh honey, where were you? Your friends came here before a little time and you weren't with them" and then she saw Harry. Her mouth open and she smiled. "What's your name?"

"Harry "

"You're Hermione's friend? "

"Yes "

"My name is Emma. I'm Hermione's mum. "

"Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too Harry, I have heard a lot of things about you"

"Good or bad things? "

"Good, the most "

" Harry, Hermione here you are guys" Ron came running to us

"Ron, Ginny, we were looking for you " Harry lied.

"Hermione look at your phone. You have half hour before we go to the hotel, don't forget it. Meet me and your father in front of the garden. See you sweetie, and  Harry, keep safe my daughter" My mum said and gone

"Keep safe my daughter? What she think that Harry is? Some type of guardian? "Ginny said

"I hope that this is not the last time I meet you before I returned to Australia "

"What? Return? Are you going to let us wait 6 months again until we'll see you again?" Harry asked.

" Don't worry Harry. We'll find a solution "I answered him

"Can you stay with us today?"

"I don't know. I'll ask my mum"

"Perfect "Harry said and hugged me.

"You guys really missed me" I said

Hello dear readers :). How are you ? It's been a like a year since I last update. I'm really sorry. I have 4 more chapters ready but there are some grammar mistakes and I'm trying to correct them  (it's not dat easy ). Do you guys even understand the storyline ? I read some chapters again and some parts doesn't even make sense. Sorry for not updating and sorry for my awful english grammar.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2017 ⏰

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