Chapter Six

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For the next two days, the Vampires and Logan began to carefully extract us from their lives. Sophia was on her way, and she would be taking us back to France with her. There was a distinct sense of loss about them. For me and the rest of the humans, there was only dread.

I could already guess that Sophia wouldn't be happy about this whole situation. She might not touch Katty, but she would certainly touch us. Probably just to bite us and flood our systems with pheromones again. She had to reestablish her control over us after all. But honestly, I was less worried about her.

Pierre was the one I was worried about. He was the vicious one. The one that delighted in our pain. And he would certainly come along with her when she came to talk to Katty and retrieve us. Then there would be the long journey home with little in the way of entertainment for the Vampires except for us humans.

I jumped a little when Logan rapped on my door and called to me. "Hey Max. Wanna play some video games with me?"

I set aside the book I had been staring unseeingly at for the past hour and got up to open the door. "Sure." He grinned at me and led the way to flop down onto the couch, picking up his controller. He already had the game up and switched over to multi-player before he had asked me.

I sat down next to him and got comfortable as he started up the game. He had decided against a first person shooter this time and had put on a fighting game. Something with ninjas and wrestlers. I chose a random fighter and just mashed buttons, having no clue what I was doing. It worked well enough.

I glanced over at Logan as he lost the round and the next began. He noticed and glanced back with a soft smile. "What?"

I focused on the screen once more. "How is it a Werewolf came to be adopted by a Vampire?"

Logan chuckled and managed to pull off a spectacular move that rendered my fighter half dead. "I got, essentially, kidnapped by another Vampire. He had been trying to take over Katty's territory and she had beaten him back. The guy's beta tried to get him to apologize and get out of town but he decided one last insult would be a good idea. I guess he knew Tabs was hanging out with Atreyu then so he tried to give me to Katty as a pet."

I swallowed, hearing some pretty familiar things in this story. Logan didn't seem at all worried or stressed about it now though.

"She killed him for the insult and sent the second off with one of her friends, which apparently turned out great if the gift she got from him a year later is any indication. I had been dosed with a little too much wolfsbane so Katty picked me up and got me some food. Then she offered me a place to stay over Christmas. She said she would find me a Were family to move in with after that."

I glanced at him as he finished off my fighter and the tie-breaking round started. "She didn't?"

Logan snorted. "She did. Tried for almost a year to find me a place with my own kind. But none of the places felt right. Not like here did. I can't explain it. She and her family just felt like home from the very beginning. And I knew she wasn't going to kick me out if the affection I could always smell on her was any indication. She started thinking of me as her own early on in the search for my new home so I didn't feel the need to leave."

"What does affection smell like?"

Logan chuckled. "I can't explain it. I just know she smells like it a lot. Any time she doesn't smell like it, I know to give the person she's not affectionate towards a wide berth. She's a really good judge of character." He shot me a sly look. "She smells affectionate around you and your friends if you were curious."

I frowned. "I wasn't." I actually had been a little curious, but I didn't want to admit it. I didn't want to feel curious about how she felt about me and my friends at all but I couldn't help it.

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