Chapter Eighteen

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I was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief as Jason led me off the plane and back onto American soil. I fully relaxed as I followed him, feeling better now that I was home.

I skidded to a halt as I realized what I had just done. Home? Since when had I begun to think of this country and that building as home? I hurried on again when Jason shot me a curious look. Just one more thing to add to the hundreds of things I had to work out now.

Jason got me back to Katty's building and then answered a million questions with one answer. 'I don't know'. It bothered me. He was just as worried as the rest of them. Just as eager for any information about his lover. So why should he be expected to answer all these questions that he wanted to know the answers to himself?

No one asked me anything other than to inquire about my health. I supposed my scowl had something to do with it.

Finally, I decided we had both had enough. I sidled up to Jason and looped an arm around his waist, whispering in his ear that I was tired and could we please argue about all this later. My friends looked partly stunned and partly satisfied. The Vampires got the hint and it was decided that we would give Katty a week. If she hadn't contacted us by then, we could hunt her down and send in the cavalry.

I flopped down on the couch when the last of them left. Even Logan said he had to go to bed and left, but not before wrapping me in a tight hug and telling me he was glad I was back. Jason grinned at us. Then he was blinking in pleased surprise when Logan gave him a hug as well, thanking him for bringing me home.

Jason watched the wolf boy go, then came to lean over the back of the couch and kiss my temple. I swallowed hard, recalling when Katty had done something similar. "Thank you, for getting them to leave. I was getting a little frustrated."

I dropped my head back to look up at him. "Yeah. Me too."

He smiled at me, gently brushing his fingertips along my hairline. "You really do look tired. You should get some rest. Let me know if you need anything okay? Doesn't matter what time it is or what you need. Anything at all."

I slowly nodded and shoved to my feet. "I got it Jason." And I did. I knew he meant anything and everything. If it was at all within his power, he would do it for me. I hesitated before stumbling for my room and my bed. "Thank you."

I caught a soft purr and hurried for my room. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.

It took only a little longer after that for the nightmares to descend. Monsters of shadow and hunger, with glowing red eyes, fangs, and claws were coming for me. Reaching for me. I screamed as I struggled, trying desperately to get away. I fought when they grabbed me and shook me.

"Max! Wake up Max! It's me, Jason!"

I gulped in air and blinked. My chest heaved and my eyes stayed wide as I slowly focused on Jason. I clutched at him fearfully. "Jason?"

He huffed in relief and dragged me in close. "It's alright Max. I'm here. You're safe." He held me for a long time, gently talking to me. I clutched tightly even as he began to relax and his words slurred with sleep.

He finally sighed and scrubbed my back. "Better? Or do you still need me?"

I didn't trust myself to speak. My arms tightened around him and gave him all the answer he needed. He slowly nodded and pressed me back down, crawling into bed next to me. He put my back against the wall and tucked my head under his chin.

I bit my lip and snuggled in tight. I felt safer now. Jason soon dropped off to sleep but I stayed awake. I was too nervous to fall back into another nightmare.

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