Chapter Fourteen

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I smoothed my hair aside and tilted my head to get a better look at the mark behind my ear in the mirror. It had healed quickly, leaving only the thin scar in the shape of a triangle with a moon within. I sighed as I dropped my hand and faced the mirror fully again. Katty had kept her word that it wouldn't be anything like what Sophia had given me.

I wasn't sure how effective it would be however. Sophia's mark had been large and easily seen. This one was mostly hidden. I shook my head and turned to leave the bathroom, going back into my bedroom and sitting on the edge of the bed to pull on my socks and shoes.

Then I was on my feet and out of my room. I hesitated at the table where Katty was glaring at her laptop as she tapped away. I cleared my throat and her gaze jerked up to me. Her fingers never stopped moving. It made me wonder if she was actually paying attention.

"Can I go out? Just fifteen minutes to go around the building."

Katty nodded and her gaze fell back to her screen. Her fingers finally hesitated. "Sure. Could you grab the mail on your way back up?"

I nodded and hurried for the elevator. I took in deep breaths as I got out of the building and turned to follow the sidewalk. It felt fantastic to be able to get out every now and then. The Vampires appeared to have no problem with me and my friends moving about freely within the building either.

The thought to attempt to run again flitted through my head. But I shook it away and quickened my steps. My friends had no intention to go anywhere, and amazingly enough, Katty appeared to actually be keeping her word at finding paperwork. She had happily showed me my birth certificate and told me it was only a matter of time before she got the rest of it in.

I stiffened in surprise when someone grabbed me. A strange woman pulled me into the alley and trapped me against the wall. My breath hitched when she flashed fangs, automatically turning away and closing my eyes. Fear twisted in my stomach.

I blinked my eyes open when there was nothing. She was giving me a dirty look as she retreated away and quickly walked off. I gasped in relief and my hand came up to cover my neck, confused as to why she had stopped. My finger brushed the scar and I swallowed.

Evidently, this thing was more effective than I had first given it credit for. I still waited for a bit before venturing out of the alley and continuing my walk. No need to tempt the female Vampire further. It was probably about time to start heading back to Katty's building anyways. I started to round the corner and almost tripped over a large dog.

The dog whined and danced out of my way, but didn't go very far. It plopped down to sit and stared up at me, ears flattened and looking almost repentant. I frowned as I stared back, then looked around for anyone who might have lost a dog.

No one was paying any attention.

I sighed and crouched down, putting out a hand to coax the dog a little closer. "Bonjour, ma petit frère." The dog's ears pricked up, then flattened again with a whine. I cocked my head to get a better look. "Ah. Excuse moi. Ma petite soeur."

The dog huffed and got to her feet, closing the distance between us and nosing into my hand. I gently worked my fingers into the thick ruff of golden brown fur. The dog shivered and pressed closer, obviously enjoying the attention. I snorted a little.

"Yeah. Thought you'd like that. I'm pretty fond of fingers petting my hair too. But don't tell anyone okay?" The dog shook and the corner of my mouth pulled up a little. "Who do you belong to? You're too pretty to be wandering around on your own."

She was clean and her fur was brushed. She didn't appear to be sick or starving. She had to be taken care of, but she wasn't wearing a collar or anything to identify her with. I thought of something and pulled my hands away. "You're not a Were are you?"

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