Chapter 57: Light Falls

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Chapter 57: Light Falls

"What do you mean we can't just attack their camp? Shouldn't we strike at their heart?" Boulderfall mewed. Scorch faced him with a steadfast gaze as they stood in the middle of a sun dappled clearing, cool shade flitting over their pelts in leafy patterns.

"I told you, Pinefur is setting traps for us to fall into when we attack his camp. Much like how we laid traps for Nightwing and Pinefur before. We'd have too much of a disadvantage if we attacked him on his own terms," Scorch mewed calmly.

It was two days since Flameclaw had been driven out and the spy hadn't been seen since. Boulderfall, albeit a little sullen, had mostly returned to normal. But Scorch felt that he was still withdrawn from her. The Clans, since that day, had turned their focus to preparing for battle by gathering food, reinforcing dens, and giving extra time to battle training.

Scorch had been perplexed about what to do about the information Amelia had given her. She wasn't completely convinced that she could trust the incorrigible she-cat's word, but preferred to rather be safe than sorry and had finally pulled Boulderfall away from one of their training sessions to tell him.

"How do you even know this?" the gray tom mewed suspiciously, narrowing his eyes.

"You know I have... 'powers,'" Scorch mewed, she felt bad about lying, but she'd feel worse if Boulderfall knew she talked with a murderess.

"Since when did seeing into the past allow you to see the present?" Boulderfall scowled disbelievingly.

Scorch rolled her eyes, "Fine, but what I said was true. So we need to adjust the battle plans or we'll all be defeated."

Boulderfall stared at her mutinously for a moment then bowed his head, "What do you suggest?" he sighed.

Scorch purred, she'd thought hard about this. "I think we should have a patrol do a feign attack on his camp, when we get caught in his traps we retreat. Pinefur wants to defeat us so bad that he'll probably pursue and we can lead him to where the rest of the cats are waiting to ambush him."

Boulderfall shook his head, "You sure that will work?"

"Of course I can't be sure, but I think we should try. Or at least come up with something better than that," Scorch mewed, a little hurt that he didn't like her idea.

"It just sounds too predictable and rests on a chance. What if the cats in the feign patrol can't get away? What if Pinefur doesn't pursue? I can't propose this plan to the Clan," Boulderfall mewed.

Scorch twitched her tail in annoyance, "We can have a cat act as surveyor for the feign attack. They can watch and if the cats are in trouble they can get the rest of the cats and then we're no worse off than the original plan," she suggested. "And I have every faith that Pinefur would pursue," Scorch added, that burning hatred in his gaze was seared into her mind forever.

Boulderfall gave a final, hefty sigh, "I'll suggest it to Sunstorm and tell him your concerns. I'm not sure he'll listen, but I guess I can try."

"Thanks!" Scorch purred, bouncing forward to touch muzzles with him. As she did she noticed the look in his eyes changed, a softer and content gleam passing swiftly over the stony blue.

"I'll see you back at camp then, I'm going to go hunting with Moonfrost and a couple others this afternoon," Scorch mewed as she turned away.

"Alright, make sure you don't eat anything until you get back to camp," Boulderfal mewed.

"Of course!" Scorch mewed indignantly, "Maybe you could try and join up later?" she suggested, shuffling her paws as a fit of nervousness made her ears heat up. What's wrong with me?

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