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 "I really don't think this was necessary."

"Oh, shut up. Paris has had their chance to say goodbye to Chat Noir and Ladybug, and so should we."

I rolled my eyes. That was a terrible excuse to justify losing time with Tikki and Plagg. We had until tomorrow to return our miraculouses to Master Fu, now that they weren't needed anymore.

"Do you think Nathaniel has had enough time to finish his official drawing? We posed for such little time..."

Chat raised an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked as I sipped from the glass of champagne he had brought for us, along with a tiny candle. I had to admit he had good taste.

"Are you trying to get this cat jealous? Because I really don't recommend you to..." he menaced, purring as he got his claws out. I almost choked as I blurted out laughing. How was he even capable of purring?

Chat giggled and finally regained his composure, though I wasn't too sure whether I felt happy about that or not.

"Is it good?" he asked, pointing at the glass I'd just left on the floor.

We were at no expensive restaurant, not even sat on comfy chairs or anything. We were only sitting on the floor at the balcony of my house, over my bedroom, staring at the starry night in an attempt to re-enact one of our endless night patrols. It felt good. It felt more than good. "It tastes home." I said, and instantly covered up my mouth, noticing I'd just said that out loud.

I expected Chat to make some joke out of it, but instead caught him smiling and staring at me... which was obviously worse.

He covered the hand I'd left lying on the floor with his. "It does, doesn't it?" he corroborated, whilst looking once more at the sky.

"It's funny..." he started, after a brief silence "I've stared at this same sky for so many years, always demanding so many questions... and now I've got nothing to ask them for."

"Well, that's a good sign, isn't it?"

"It is, I guess."

I laughed. "I guess?"

He then fixed those enormous, shining green eyes on mine, and I knew I wouldn't be able to escape from them.

"Well, now it's from another person from whom I seek some answers... and I'm definitely more scared from her than I've ever been from the stars."

I smiled, feeling the warmth in my cheeks.

"Well, maybe she... Is it a "she"?" I teased.

"Oh, yes she is..." he grinned

"Maybe that "she" is more than ready to answer your questions."

He paused, stretching out that moment.

"I've only got one."

"Shoot it." I smiled

"What makes you think you're that 'she'?!" he pulled off a surprised look, opening his eyes and mouth wide, and I pushed him away, laughing.

"Stupid cat!"

We both laughed, and once he had rolled back to his place, he waited patiently until we'd regained eye contact and I had calmed myself down. His look was so intense that I couldn't stop a tiny smile from flourishing to my lips as I felt my cheeks once more turning as red as my mask.

"What is it?" I pricked.

And he finally said it: "I was wondering whether you'd stay with me forever."

Just like that.

I heard his heart racing, filling the silence that mine created in the frozen state it had been left in. I could feel his breath accelerating, too, but never did his smile leave his face, nor his eyes moved away from mine. He knew I loved him.

"Forever?" I repeated, but it didn't sound like a question.


My sight had become blurry and I knew I was crying. I finally heard my own breath and felt my heart racing to catch up with Adrien's.

"Forever" I nodded, tears running down my face.

"Forever" he repeated, as if nothing else could possibly sound sweeter in the entire world right now.

I apologized internally to Gabriel for not being able to accompany him on his way to the other side for, when the time was right, I knew I would no longer travel by myself, but I would unite forever with the soul I had been searching for... or who had been waiting for me. Without even doubting, I let my wings appear for one last time, illuminating both our faces... and then let them fade away.

As unexplainable as it may seem, I didn't feel their absence, but instead let Adrien's love be the one which overwhelmed me. I felt even more complete than ever.

We cuddled the other's face in our hands and we let our tears merge with each other as we both laughed and cried at the same time.

"I love you, bugaboo." Chat whispered

"I love you, kitty cat." And I felt my grin become even broader.

He approached his lips to mine, and I felt their warmth before they even touched me... but I quickly dodged them to plant a kiss on his cheek. His eyes opened up, baffled by my reaction. I tried hard to suppress a smile.

"But you'll have to catch this bug if you want it to be yours!" I shouted, and pulled out my tongue just before I jumped away from his lap and pulled my yoyo out.

"Hey!" he cried.

I hushed him "My parents are sleeping downstairs, Chat Noir! Have some respect!" I whispered as I chuckled. He started laughing too.

"Okay, but, hey!" he whispered as he stumbled to get on his feet, and that only made it harder for me to repress my laughter "Where are you going?"

I gave him a cheeky smile as I attached my yoyo to the farthest building I could and winked at him, just as he had done with me countless times.

"Catch me if you can, kitty!" And I flew away just as his arms embraced the air, where I had been standing just a second ago.


I burst out with laughter as I kept flying from building to building.

"Be sure about that, m'lady..." I could hear him threaten with yet another cheeky smile on his face.

And he chased after me for one last time as Chat Noir, and I pretended to flee one more time as Ladybug.

- END -

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