Dresses in a Closet

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On Saturday morning I woke up with a sparkle in my eye which soon turned into a worried frown which turned into tensed up muscles which were relieved when my mother said that she and my sister were going to visit relatives in San Fransisco for Christmas and would only be back next month. Their reason for not bribing me along was that there was no space in the car. I rolled my eyes knowing that there would be no way they would take a road trip that long and that they were probably going in a plane and just didn't want me to come. That was totally fine with me though, the whole house to my self, my mom's credit card, and an unlimited amount of whipped cream. What else could I ask for?

"Oh my gosh Ali, what do you mean you don't know what to wear you have a huge closet of clothes here!" Oriana exclaimed when she finally arrived at my house. I groaned at the thought of having to pick out an outfit. "Ok, just tell me what you don't want to wear."

"You know how I deal with whites." I joked as she pushed the light colored fabrics of the bed.

"Ok, so now we have about twelve here. Which do you want to try on first." she asked gesturing to the pile of dresses, every color I could think of was present. I decided to go down the rainbow and elimminated the red, orange, yellow, purple, and grey dresses. I was left with a long emerald green gown, which was thown off the bed for looking too formal, then a tight black zip up dress which was discarded because of it's many goth elements, and a short but flowy light blue summer dress.

"What about this one?" I asked Oreo after i tried it on.

"Oh. My. Gosh. It's perfect!" she squealed.

I hit her playfully on the shoulder, "Shut up, you sound like my sister." We both giggled and ran down the stairs as the door bell rang. I opened the door to find Andi and Izzy.

"Wow, that's a beautiful dress." Andi admired as she walked in. Izzy followed behind her, out of breath carring a large makeup kit.

"I would say something nice about it if I could breathe!" Izzy exclaimed as she collapsed on my couch.

"Come on this can't be that heavy," Oreo tried lifting the makeup kit and then slowly put it down, "I was wrong."

I laughed and gestured for my friends to follow me up stairs. When we got up to my room Andi was the first one to take charge.

"Ok, I can see two types of shoes with that dress," she proclaimed, making a square with her hands and focusing it on me, "Cowboy boots and sneakers."

"Oh please no cowboy boots. You know how much I hate Texas!" I said.

"Put these on." Andi said handing me a pair of lace up knee high sneakers.

"Where did you find these?!" I asked in shock.

"Um...they were in your closet, they've always been in your closet...I didn't take them so I could use them for homecoming...why would you say that?!" she stuttered.

"Andi.." I warned her.

"Ok, ok I used them for homecoming. They're so cute!"

"Lol it's okay, you could've just asked." I assured her.

"But you would have said no." she pouted.

I patted her head and replied, "You are so right." We both laughed as I laced up the sneakers.

"Cute!" she exclaimed as when I finished tying them. "Now for the jewlry. I think a simple necklace will do."

"I know the perfect one!" I reached into my dresser drawer and pulled out a silver neclace with a black music note shaped charm on it. In the middle of the note there was a white cursive A. My father had given it to me for my seventh birthday, right before he and my mother divorced.

"Awesome!" she smiled and pushed me towards Izzy.

"Time for makeup!" Izzy laughed.

"I don't really feel comfortable with you putting on my makeup." I groaned. Izzy had her own sense of, what's the word...style. One that I would not look good copying, belive me. The one day that I tried it was a disaster.

"Oh stop your whining, it's going to be fine. Or at least better than that time when you put on makeup." I tried to roll my eyes but you can't really do that while your friend is plastering mascara on your face. When she was done I shakely stood up from the chair and looked in the mirror. A perfect image of me reflected back through the silvery glass. I looked amazing, and all thanks to my best friends.

"Thank you guys." I smiled and pulled them all in for a group hug.

"Don't touch me!" Izzy exclaimed as I released her from my grip. We all laughed as another door bell rang.

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