A Hollywood Sign Under the Stars

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Ok so I know I need to update the cast but Izzy is luvudismuch, Oreo is Alaska22, and Andi is XxdancrnritrxX. Oh and comment if ya lik it;)


I tried to make it to my red door but Oreo pushed me back, Andi ran through my door, and Izzy locked it behind me.

"Guy's!" I called out opening the door and heading to the top of the stairwell.

"Hey." Andrew waved at me as my friends pulled the door open.

"Hi!" Oreo, Andi, and Izzy all said in unsion.

"Um...I was kind of talking to Ali, but hey to you guys too." he laughed nervously.

"Gosh you guys." I smiled ruffling Izzy's hair.

"Don't. Touch. Me." she growled.

"Ali I want you home by 1 and no later than that!" Oreo joked acting like my mother.

"Oh whatever." I sighed stepping outside.

"I promise to take good care of her." Andrew smiled chessyly at Andi. I hit him playfully on the shoulder.

We walked down the steps of my house and onto the street as Andi called out behind me, "If it doesn't work out with her...I'm always open."

"I have a pretty strong feeling that it's going to work out." Andrew laughed and continued to lead me toward what looked like a black BMW.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I got in.

"It's a surprise." he smiled and turned on the radio.

"This is such a sad song." I sighed as the Yesterday by the Beatles came on.

"Do you want me to change it?" Andrew asked reaching for the radio again.

"No." I touched his hand. "I quite love the Beatles." I smiled softly, again there was that electric like sensation whenever we touched.

"I happen to love them too." Andrew said while putting his hand down. I smiled and rested mine on his.

"So, when ARE you going to tell me where we're going?" I asked, the electricity was still buzzing through me.

"You're really persistent, aren't you?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes, "How many times do I have to say this! You answer my question first or else it isn't fair."

"Ok I'll tell you when we get there, good enough?" he pretened to be annoyed.

"Eh barely passing, but I'll still answer your first question with a yes." We drove in silence after that, it's not like we didn't have anything to say it's just that we didn't have to speak to communicate it.

"So what is this secret place your taking me to?" I sighed when Andrew's car finally slowed to a stop. He answered me by pointing up at the sky. There amongst the glittering stars were 9 glowing white letters, HOLLYWOOD. "Whoa." I said in awe absorbing the tourist site that millions of people go to see.

"This way ma'dam." Andrew said as he opened my door for me.

"Ok," I thought aloud as I got out of the car ", it's Hollywood in the middle of the night, what could we be doing?"

"Does this answer your question?" he asked, gesturing to a small wicker basket resting on a red plaid blanket. I gasped in amazement, for dates Josh had only taken me to cheesy action movies of his choice, nothing as romantic as this.

"So am I still barely passing ?" Andrew asked breaking me out of my Josh and Andrew comparison phase.

"This...this is amazing." I smiled, hugging him. At first he looked surprised and then he smiled and hugged me back.

"Cool." he said taking my hand and leading me to the basket. "Eh ze chef has prepared the most popular dish on ze menú." Andrew said faking a French accent and pulling out two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches out from the basket.

"More like the only dish on his menu." I muttered under my breath.

Andrew picked up on it and fought back, "Is not, I also do a killer piece of toast."

"Yah, that is if you don't burn it." I joked. We laughed and continued talking while eating. We talked about everything from siblings to parents to school to moving. Like I said before I felt more comfortable with Andrew than I did with anyone else.

"Do you want to take a walk?" Andrew asked pointing to a beaten down path towards the side of the road.

"Ok so it's the middle of the night and a guy I barely know is asking me to walk down a suspicious path with him... Sure, why not?" I laughed.

"If it makes you feel any better, I feel like I've known you for years."

"Same here." I blushed taking his hand. There were the electric sensations again. We walked down the path for a little while until Andrew stopped me under a large oak tree.

"Why are we sto-" I quit speaking halfway through the question when Andrew leaned down to...KISS ME. But before his lips could meet mine a steady sheet of rain started pouring down. "Ahhh!" I yelped, squeazed Andrew's hand, and started running toward the car. I could hear Andrew laughing behind me as I dragged him down the now muddy path. When we finally reached the car Andrew slowly slid his key in the car and begun opening my window.

"Andrew!" I exclaimed hitting him on his shoulder.

"What?! Is Ali afraid of a little water?" Andrew said like he was talking to a small child.

"No, it just does bad things to my hair." I stuttered.

"Oh whatever." Andrew sighed.

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