Prologue: The Awakening

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    "It can't be my time yet..." Crepe said as the Luna Blaster shot fired straight towards her. She soon exploded into a pile of ink, finding herself somehow in squid form. She couldn't see a thing, yet could still feel her conscious, her life. She sat and waited in the pile of ink until she heard silence and got up. "I never thought Moon would be the one to betray me..." Crepe said to herself. She knew she had to do something about this...she knew because she was still alive, she just didn't know what. "...I guess I should just continue to the station. I should probably visit the mountains before I zoom towards my death." Crepe got up and found herself stark naked. She tried to scavenge for her clothes in the pile of ink, but found nothing....

      "What?!?! We lost just because Team Dog was more popular?!?! Moon are you seeing this?" "I am...I wouldn't worry about it Eseral. You still get Super Sea Snails, and that's all that matters." Moon replied. "Yeah...I guess." Eseral went up to the Splatfest board to collect her snails, when she remembered something she had almost forgot. "Hey Moon...I saw Crepe in a battle yesterday morning...I thought she had died." Moon looked at Eseral with an expression of shock. "She's....Still...Alive? How?!?!" Moon replied in a startled tone. "That was what I was wondering...I was hoping you might have known." Moon began to walk away. "Moon, where you going?" Eseral asked. "I have with something."

      "How did she survive?!??" Moon thought to herself. "I clearly saw her explode in a puddle of ink...At least I know exactly where she went. Looks like I'm catching the next train." Moon grabbed her Octoshot and ran towards Inkopolis Station. The run was short, but convoluted. She had to get through cars, planes, and helicopters which were all landing nearby. But at least the station was only a mile away, so it wasn't too long of a run. By the time Moon had reached the station, she had G in her hand and was ready to shove it in the face of whoever could give her a ticket.

     Crepe faced towards the great mountains. They rose beyond her eye sight and were wider than she could have ever imagined. She gazed up at them in complete awe, waiting for something to happen....

    The train flew past the station, not seeming like it was ever going to stop in the first place. "Damn..." Moon looked around her and saw the pieces of trash speckled around the station. "I don't want to spend any more time here than I have to...Looks like we're chasing after a train." Moon started equipping run speed gear, and jumped onto the tracks.

     The train was getting closer and closer, Moon was almost in distance to jump on the train. She tried to speed up, but she couldn't go any faster. The train kept getting farther and farther away until Moon could no longer see it. She decided to jump back up from the tracks, but as she turned around she saw a train coming at her at inkbrush speed.

    Spyke, could you reroll this Anchor Sweat?" Eseral handed him a Super Sea Snail, and he quickly re-rolled the sweat. "Thank you, Spyke!" Eseral replied as she saw that the gear had all strength ups. She walked back towards the center of Inkopolis and saw a group of inklings huddled together. "Hey guys! ...Watcha up too?" The inklings stared at her with a deathly stare. "None of your business, Little Missy." One Male inkling responded. He wore a Zekko Mesh  and a Retro Gamer jersey. Eseral continued walking forward. "Missy! We told you to back off!" The male inkling turned around and began scowling at Eseral. He had orange tentacles and pink eyes. Eseral looked at him and immediately thought of how...familiar he looked.

     Eseral stared at him a bit more closely. "...Hello? Are you brain dead?" The group around him laughed. "What?...No!!!" Eseral turned a bright shade of red. "What did you say?" "I'm not brain dead!" "I swear I heard something, but maybe it's just the wind." Eseral began scowling up her face. "Ugh! You know what...this isn't worth my time." Eseral said and took two steps in the opposite direction of the group. "Phyic...grab her before she gets away." One of the inklings murmured. Suddenly the the male inkling reached out and grabbed Eseral by the collar of her Anchor Sweat. "You stay here, missy." The inkling said. Eseral was startled and immediately swatted at the male inkling, hoping he would let her go.

        "....This. This is amazing." Crepe said as she looked up at the tops of the mountains above her. They glistened with snow, a substance Crepe had never seen before, but had heard a lot about. Now was her time...And it couldn't be any better of a time. Eseral was in danger...this was the reasoning for leaving in the first place. Moon must be put to a stop.

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