Years passed since Tom remembered his friends. He missed them, even if he was slowly forgetting them. But there was one friend he didn't miss: Tord. He was the one who experimented on Tom, leaving him trapped in this monster body. He also experimented on a previous failed experiment, his name was Scribble Tom. Something went wrong as he transformed both into horrific beasts. Tom ran away from his friends, knowing that they'd be terrified of him. But he also took Scribble Tom with him. He felt bad for him from the very beginning, being trapped in Tord's lab for so long without any other interaction with the outside world. So he thought this would be his chance to see what it was like.
The two beasts walked through the forest, leaves crunching beneath their feet. They were walking back to their den, both carrying prey that Tom had caught. Tom looked at Scribble to see that he was a bit excited to be holding his prey. Tom had felt like a guardian to Scribble, always teaching and guiding him in able to survive. He was proud of his student because of the progress they've made together. He gave Scribble a small grin, and Scribble's eyes were shining with accomplishment.
The two had finally made it back to the den. They sat near the entrance, starting to feast on their prey. That sat there for a while. Moments passed before Scribble broke the silence. "Tom!" Tom looked up from his meal, his dark eyes filled with exhaustion. "W-When will Scribble able catch food?" The smaller monster stuttered. Tom's eyes suddenly went dull. He knew his little friend would never be able to catch his own prey, no matter how hard he tried. Tom looked down at his prey, avoiding Scribble's curious gaze.
"Um..." Tom thought for a while. He knew Scribble would be heart-broken, and it would leave Tom upset if he saw him know the hard truth. "Tom?" Scribble interrupted his thoughts. Tom looked at him again, eyes full of guilt. He must've noticed the guilt, Scribble stood on his four legs and walked over to Tom, laying beside him. "S-Scribble no hunt, will he?" The smaller monster questioned truthfully. Tom looked down again and sighed. "I'm sorry, Scribble..." Tom could feel the tears building up. He turned and rested his head on Scribble. "I'm sorry..."
Well that was depressing. Anywho, sorry for not updating for a while, I was busy with my other book. I'll be updating both whenever I can. Thanks to rave549 for the idea!

Eddsworld One Shots (Mostly TomxTord)
FanfictionWORK IN PROGRESS Mostly tomtord (OTP) Notice how I say mostly, meaning, not all of it So yee Btw there's no lemons yet <-- that's a fukcing lie lmao