Tord lay in his bed, flipping through his fifth hentai magazine for the night. His other four were scattered around his room. As he flipped through the pages, he folded the corners of the pages that he favorited. His silver gaze was glued onto the page, not even realizing that his door was slowly opening.
The Norwegian flinched as he felt something lightweight land in his hair. Tord had to take a short second to process what was happening. He looked up from the magazine to see that damn eyeless male standing in his doorway, trying not to burst into a laughing fit. Tord gave Tom a threatening stare before ruffling his own hair. As his fingers ran through his rust-colored hair, he saw a small rubber band plop onto his black bedsheets. The hentai lover looked back up at Tom.
"Dra til helvete, Tom!" (Go to hell, Tom!) Tord screeched as he sent the rubber band flying towards the male in blue. Tom dodged the rubber band as it hit a poster instead, laughing in a teasing way as he ran out of the his room. Tord sat on his knees, trying to calm himself down. He heard Tom slam his door shut as it echoed through the hallway. Seconds passed before his temper was cooled. "You could have shut my door next time, little shit!"
.:Time Skip:.
Tom walked through the hallway, sipping on his Smirnoff-filled flask. He was careful to not make any noises, as the rest of the house was asleep. He smiled to himself as he remembered what he did to Tord earlier that day. It was fun to irritate the Norwegian, being that he was the only one he could get a reaction out of. I wonder what he told me when he found the rubber band... Ah, who gives a damn? It was funny while it lasted... Tom thought to himself, silently snickering. He took another swing from his flask.
The Brit walked into his room, turning on the lights. His door was left open, which he found slightly suspicious. I could've sworn I closed it- He then found out why.
"AAGH!" Tom jolted as a yell and a threatening bang came from the other side of the door. He didn't make a sound. He immediately put his back against the wall, making a small thud. His heart was racing and his body began shaking. His legs slowly gave out as he dropped to the floor.
Tord came from behind the door, mimicking Tom's laughter from earlier. He put his hand on his knees, trying to catch his breath from laughing. "Haha... I got you so good! You should see your face..." Tord's happy expression slowly faded as he got a better look at his victim. Tom was sitting against the wall, his expressionless eyes wide. He sat curled up in a ball, his entire body shivering with fear. Tom's breathing was off. His voice shook as he managed to let out a small noise.
"T-Tom... Please tell me you're joking," Tord tried to make a joke out of the situation, but his words were filled with concern. He inched closer to his rival, kneeling down in front of him. Tom kept shivering. "C'mon... It's just a harmless p-prank! It was funny, g-get it? Heh... Are you alright?" Tord stuttered on his words. His silver gaze searched his eyes, trying to find a hint of emotion. Nothing. He sighed.
Tom flinched as he suddenly felt warm arms wrap around his body. He let out a silent whine. Tord softly shushed him, bringing Tom's head up to his chest. He rested his head on Tom's shoulder, then closed his silver eyes. "I'm... I'm sorry... It's okay now... You're alright..." He felt the Norwegian's warm breath hit his neck, slowly bringing his mind back to reality. After a few moments, he felt Tom bury his face in his chest. Tord's hand went for Tom's back, rubbing it calmly. Tord ran his fingertips to the middle of Tom's shoulder blades, but then stopped when Tom jolted. That spot felt... warm. He rubbed his fingertips together, then realizing it was a liquid.
He regretfully opened his eyes and froze in shock. Blood coated Tord's hand. He stared at it for a few moments, forgetting about the confused Brit. Tom slightly shuffled, wanting Tord to continue. But he didn't. He stared at his hand wide eyed. "U-uh..." Tord slowly leaned back from Tom, keeping his eyes locked on his hand. He looked up from his hand to see Tom's huge dark eyes. They were concerning.
Tord suddenly stood up, quickly walking over to Tom's side. He leaned the Brit forward, making his chest touch his knees. Tord leaned over him. He examined his back to see blood staining his hoodie. The blood came from the middle of his shoulder blades, right where he expected it to be. How the hell did this happen? He thought to himself. He stood back up and looked at the wall where his back had hit. There, he saw a rusty nail hanging out of the wall, the very tip of it colored dark red.
.:Time Skip Because Holy Fuck I'm Lazy:.
The two now lay in Tord's bed. Tord had put bandages and medicine on Tom's wound, making sure it wouldn't get infected. He made Tom sleep with him tonight, just in case something were to happen. Tom hesitated at first, but then accepted.
The Norwegian looked to his side. There was a huge gap in between the two, Tom even facing the other way. Tord sighed. Here goes nothing...
"Tom, I-"
"Don't talk to me," Tom let out a muffled threat.
"Just listen-"
"No, it's your fault that I had a nail stab me. I don't want you to hurt me again, you bitch." Those words hit Tord like a bullet. But he wouldn't let him talk to him like that.
"Well maybe if you wouldn't have come in my room earlier, I wouldn't have tried to scare you. So don't you dare blame any of this on me!"
"You don't have to get payback, just learn to take a fucking joke for once!"
"I am a fucking joke!" Tom winced. His eyes widened as Tord said that. He lay silent, but listened to Tord softly tear up.
"I'm just a f-fucking joke... I'm sorry you got hurt... It's... It's my fault... It's always my fault... Dammit, T-Tom... I'm sick and tired of fighting... I-"
"I forgive you."
"W-what...?" Tord wiped his tears with his sleeve. He almost didn't believe his ears.
"I said, I forgive you."
Tord slightly smiled at his last sentence, still wiping away tears. "Heh... Thank you... Old friend..."
The room was drowned out with a peaceful silence. The Brit grinned as he heard Tord calm down. He hated to see Tord suffer like that, especially when he was the right one in the first place, but Tom would never admit he's wrong. He took a deep breath. More moments of satisfaction flowed through the both of them.
Tom flinched as he suddenly felt arms wrap around his waist. He felt Tord bury his face in his back. Tom didn't refuse, however.
"Thank you..."
I promise more sin in future updates, ya little shits :p

Eddsworld One Shots (Mostly TomxTord)
FanfictionWORK IN PROGRESS Mostly tomtord (OTP) Notice how I say mostly, meaning, not all of it So yee Btw there's no lemons yet <-- that's a fukcing lie lmao