A kiss from Heaven

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A/N: Hi lovely people :) I know it's long overdue. But I also have things that I need to prioritize. I hope y'all understand *wink*. I swear I'll do my very very best (exaggerated much?) to finish my first two stories here in wattpad, A Second Chance (Play It Again before) and InLove with a Country Singer before 2016 ends hahaha.

I know some of the writers like me would understand this feeling that when you are thinking on how you would want to end the story, then all of a sudden another cheesy and meaty scene would pop up to your mind. And you can't do anything but to consider the scene and adjust the ending of the story hahahaha. Weird right? Or it's normal for an amateur writer like me?

Anyways I do hope this chapter worth the long wait :) ;)



My father moved out from our house a month after my mom died. He told our relatives that he rented an appartment near his work, hmmpft,  I'm sure he's happily living together with his mistress. Time passed by so damn fast. It's been a year now, I haven't heared anything from my father. Auntie Cammie told me when he called me last week, that he isn't doin good. That I should check on him. Where is his mistress by the way? Aren't she supposed to be taking care of him?

My family thought I turned into a different person when I disowned my father. They even suggested for me to get some counselling. This isn't about my mother's death, it's all about my cheating father. No one knows except Shane. He's the only one I could trust. If it wasn't because of him and his family. I might be counting stars in the morning.


I flinched when my phone beeped under my pillow. It's Saturday morning, who would have texted me early this day? Shane was here last night and went home late, it couldn't be him. I groaned before lifting my head a little from the pillow and stuck my hand under to grab my phone.

I heaved a sigh when my hand touches the thing I've been looking for. I unlocked the screen by typing the password, and a pop up message flashed on my screen. I blinked to adjust my eyes from the bright light coming from my phone. And read the message from a person I haven't talk for awhile.

"Thomas?" I ask-told myself. What does he need this time? Setting aside the confusion I focused my eyes on the screen and read his message.

Thomas: Hello Ms. Grace, it's been so long since we last talked. How are you?

I furowed my brows in confusion. Why he is texting me again? Isn't it clear to him that we can't be friends nor close to each other? Few months after my mom died he tried to talk and comfort me, but I refused his offer. I don't want another lie in my life, I know he's only using my current state to get into me and get what he wanted.

I think for a moment wether I'm going to text him back or not. I might be overacting if I ignored him again this time. Staring down at my phone, i pressed reply and typed my message.

Nicole: I'm doing well Mr. West, thanks for asking. How about you?

Not more than a minute my phone vibrates again indicating I got a new text message. A smile formed on my lips and my heart beats faster when I saw his name flashing on my phone screen. I shooked my head and started to read his reply.

Thomas: I'm doin fine. Classes will start soon. By the way I miss you

Should I be glad, happy or what? I don't know what I'm feeling right now. I am fighting the urge to send another reply but seems like my thumb has its own mind. We texted for a couple of minutes, before I pushed myself up from the bed.

I walked inside the bathroom and do my morning thing. Thinking what can I do to make my day productive. After breakfast I grabbed one of my mum's books from the shelve. I sat down on her spot in our veranda and started to read the book. How to kill a Mockingbird.

I'm so drowned on it when I felt a pair of eyes watching me at the back. I turned around to check but I see no one. Huh!! Weird? I turned my focus back on the book when I heared a light footstep inside the house. My body tensed and a very cold sweat rans from my forehead down to the side of my face. What the hell??

Breathe in... Breathe out..

Come on Nicole, don't be such a puss!! It's already twenty-first century, Ghost is no way to be still existed. Or do really they ever existed?

With a very nervous heart I slowly twisted my body. When something caught my eye that went upstairs...

Tugdug.. Tugdug.. Tugdug..

I reached for the empty cookie jar on top of our antique table beside the couch. Then I slowly walked towards the foot of the staircase. Didn't I always secure to lock the doors? I'm pretty sure it was locked earlier. I threw a glanced to the front door but there is no sign that someone forced open it. Damn. Where did this person came in? I held my breath as I tried to listen if the person started rumaging our things, but the only sounds that I could hear was my very fast heart beat.

The first thing that normal people would do in this situation, was to run as fast as they can outside their house and call for help. But I wasn't a normal person, was I? If someone would kill me today, at least I'll be with my mum finally. Being Nicole-feeling-brave-Grace, I went upstairs with the cookie jar still on my shaking hands.

The door in my parents room was ajar. Felt like my head grew bigger and all of my hair in my body went up. My eyes caught something moving inside. I tried to figure out what is it, coz I'm sure it's not a shadow of a human being. Can it be a Wolf? Racoon? Lion? Tiger??

Damn it!!!

I was about to reached the doorknob when a light wind blew behind me. It's not the creepy feeling that I felt. It's like embracing me for comfort. Warm and Relaxing.. I closed my eyes and savour the comforting feeling of the air that embraced me from behind. When I open it I am now standing infront of my mom's vanity mirror. Huh?. Did the wind earlier gave me a super power like to teleport? Still confused. My eyes travelled from the half empty bottles of my mom's beauty products and perfumes down to the drawers.

The top drawer of the cabinet was slightly open. I pulled it then I saw a white envelope addressed to me. My fingers traced the curvasive hand-writing... Mom... She had a letter for me.

**please do votes, comments, and share my story**

Do you know what it feels like to come home and start calling out her name to tell her about your day, like you used to do, and then realize that she's not just there anymore? Then all you can do is to cry and cry and cry until no more tears coming out from your eyes? Well I do. Miss you loads mom :(

Much Love,
Nikki Diaz

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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