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Sun filled the room as the sun rose through the sky. It lit up the face of one familiar skeleton who was a 'bone head' and a lazy bones. The sun was never his thing so Sans grabbed the blanket wrapped around him and pulled it up over his head to try and go back to sleep.
This helped but what woke him out of bed was the knock at the door.

"Sans are you awake?" Toriel said from the other side of the door.

"Huh? Oh yeah I am, Tori..just give me a sec to wake up"

"OK I will be down stairs with Frisk. Also Undyne and Alphys stopped by to say hello" Said Toriel as she walked down to the guests

Sans lied in his bed for a few more seconds before sitting up and throwing his legs over the bed. He rubbed his eye sockets and let out a sigh he didn't know he was keeping in.

" Well" Sans said to himself " Time to go down stairs"

Sans stood up and looked about his room to find a shirt and his favourite unwashed blue jacket. He found it in a relevantly short time considering he had a small room, and threw them on in a sluggish way.

He walked to the door and turned the handle to go out. As he left his room and the door shut itself he walked down the stairs towards the main level of the house and the guests.

As he hit the third last step to the bottom of the stairs he heard Undyne talking with Toriel and Frisk talking with Papyrus..somehow.

Sans walked into the living room where everyone was and found a seat where he could sit. He looked around the room at everyone but as he got to Toriel he could feel his face blush blue and his metaphorical heart beat faster. He loved Toriel ever since he first talked to her back in the underground. Those days were over though and now he could talk to her skeleton to goat instead of through the door.

Toriel looked over at Sans and smiled with a little wave, Sans just blushed more and looked away pretending to look at something interesting in the room. He couldn't describe how he felt about Toriel but all he could say to himself was that he was madly in love with her. Toriel was always on his mind and as he fell asleep in the arm chair he was in he dreamed of her and only her.

It was several hours before he was awoken by a friendly and familiar voice.
"Sans. Sans. Come on it time for supper."
He didn't have to open his eyes to know that the voice belonged to the one he loved: Toriel
Sans opened his eyes one at a time and looked up at Toriel who had her hands in front of her and slightly bent down to see if he was awake.
"Hey Tori. Something I can do for you?" Sans said with smile
" Yes you can, you can get up and eat supper with us."

Sans stood up and walked into the white kitchen where everyone he knew was there. From Toriel to Asgore surprisingly and Undyne and Alphys. There was also the very lady like metatton who even had its own TV show. The only person who wasn't there was Papyrus, maybe he was late from coming home from work.

After a very filling meal of some meat, mashed potatoes, and a few vegetables, everyone at the was full. Toriel after a few minutes, stood up and cleared her throat.

"Everyone I have something to say" Everyone turned to look at the goat woman. " Today is the 5 year anniversary of when we were freed from the underground. It has been tough but we monsters  have overcome all that has been thrown at us. I think it's time to celebrate. We should all thank  our dear Frisk for helping save us." Toriel had tears in her eyes but wiped at them and smiled at everyone.

Sans had nothing to say. All he did was sit there staring at the goat woman. In his head he thought. ' wow. That was tibia honest, good.'
He chuckled at his own pun but turned his attention back to Toriel who was saying something.

".....I would like to do a toast to all of us here. I know that alcohol is not good to drink but this one night I can make an exception." Toriel said as she grabbed the wine bottle from inside a locked cupboard.

She poured everyone a drink but not Sans since he grabbed some ketchup and drank that instead.

One after another everyone drank some wine but after an hour or so Undyne and Alphys had to leave because it was time for them to go home. Asgore had left a bit ago because he had a little too much to  drink and was put in a cab to get home.

Sans had just about finished his bottle of ketchup when he noticed it was just him and Toriel in the kitchen. Toriel seemed to be a bit tipsy how she drank so much he didn't know. The house was quiet except for him and Toriel and Frisk was in bed.

He rubbed his eye sockets and looked at Toriel who was washing a few dishes and humming a tune but in a slurred and sluggish way. Sans sighed and got up from the spot at the table where sat and walked over to Toriel. She didn't seem to notice him until he tugged at her robes.

" Toriel...It's time to go to bed and plus I think you had too much to drink" Sans said as he tried to get her away from the sink.

" No no Sans...I didn't have....to oooo much....I had only..." She made a frowned face as she tried to remember how much she had." I think I had seven....I maybe wrong."

" Toriel please. Come with me so you can sleep ok? Come on." Sans tugged at Toriel and finally she let go.

He dragged her up the stairs and into her room where there was only her bed, a wardrobe, a night table with a lamp on it, and a desk for work or her small laptop. He got her to sit on her bed as she sprawled her self on it.

" Oh Sans this night was so much fun. I feel so light like a cloud"

" That's because you had too much to drink. Now you get into your night clothes and I will be in the guest bedroom ok?" Sans said as he walked out of the her room and into the guest room.

He flopped down on his bed and began to drift off into lala land. Only thing he didn't know was what awaited him in the morning...

Author note:
So...this chapter came to 1160 words for the story itself...oops? I had means to finish this long ago but I got lazy and forgetful but if you like it I will definitely write more. Thank you and have an awesome day

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