What happens now?

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It was a month after that day that Sans went on at home date with Toriel. Since that day Sans thought about that day whenever he could, whether that be day or night. Sans was sat on the couch watching TV endlessly scrolling through channel after channel. He was about to give up when he turned to the news channel. Sans' eyes opened wide as he turned the volume up to hear the story.

The TV blurted out promptly " Early yesterday morning 3 bodies were found dead in the northwest area of the city. Along side more then 8 dead monsters. The incident is under investigation as the police try to piece together who started this and why. The head of police commented that it could be species related with hatred as a motive. They have two suspects in custody who they think conspired this attack in other news...."

Sans couldn't believe what he had just heard. His head was abuzz with questions and no answers could be given. Sans knew that some humans absolutely Hated monsters ever since the day they came out onto the surface. What he never anticipated was that they would of resorted to killing them.

He couldn't stand listening any longer to news, so he pushed the off button as the TV turned off with a click. Sans just put his head back on the couch and sighed thinking, "Who could do this? WHY would someone do this? We monsters havent done anything wrong. Could they come after is next?"

Sans' thoughts were interrupted by someone's steps coming from up stairs, the heavy but muffled steps were slow and methodical almost like a dance. Sans opened his eyes and raised his head quick to see the love of his life, the one and only Toriel. Sans swore that every step she took towards him was like bliss, a beautiful song that only she could play.

"Oh, Sans I didnt expect you to be up this early." She beamed with a half awake small smile. However that smile quickly went away and was replaced with a more serious worried one as she saw the look on Sans' face

"What happened Sans? You dont look alright, are you okay?"

Sans bit back the tears he could feel well up in his eyes.

"No" he could muster no more words as he turned on the TV again and showed her the news report.

Toriel's face was filled with shock and horror as the same words Sans had heard struck her own ears. She could only gasp and cover her mouth with her hand to not show off her own shock but she knew it showed. Toriel turned to Sans

"That is horrible. Who could do such a thing?" Toriel said through a strained voice.

Sans couldn't say anything. He was conflicted with his own emotions as he hoped the cops would find out who was behind this. He knew they would try but also knew they wouldnt het far. However inside of his head a tiny voice was saying something to him but he brushed it off as what it said couldn't be possible. Could it?

Sans knew Toriel's eyes were on him as Sans snapped back to reality.

" I am not sure who would do such a thing. I hope they find and catch whoever is behind this attack. I dont any more of us to get hurt"

" I hope as well Sans. What if they come after us? What if they go after Frisk? They could be hurt by them too" Toriel exclaimed in a panic voice.

" No. They wont go after Frisk. I will make sure of that" Sans said as he unconsciously grabbed her hand in his own. " I promise."

Toriel could see that in Sans eyes he meant it. She knew that they would protect them and protect her as well. She closed her own hands around his gripping them softly. Toriel quietly let out a small "I know you will. Thank you Sans."

If Sans had a heart he knew it would be racing a million miles a minute right now. Alas he kept his cool and just smiled at Toriel.

" How about I go and pick up Frisk today? You can make some snail pie for them when they get home." Sans said calmingly to Toriel.

He could tell by the look in her face that she seemed to almost relax as he said those words.

" I would love that Sans thank you so much. How about you go get them now and when you get back I will have the snail pie done"

"Only if you save me the first slice"

"Deal" Toriel said as they both got up from the couch.

Sans quickly as he could, put on his slippers and went outside into the rather bright sun. Even after all this time the Sun surprised him as something this big can be this bright. He gave himself a little chuckle as he headed towards where Frisk was. He knew that by the time he got there they would be done.

As Sans walked he could tell there was tension everywhere around him. Humans staring at other humans and Humans staring at monsters. Sans could feel alot of eyes on him as he passed by people, but he felt a certain pair on him that just didnt feel right. Sans tried to look for those eyes but no matter how much he looked he couldn't see anyone staring too intently. He brushed it off as just nerves and continued walking.

It was another few minutes before Sans arrived at where Frisk was at. He knocked on the door two times. Someone on the inside opened up the door and swung it open.

" Hey that's not how you do a knock knock joke" Sans said to the rather large man in front of him

The man said nothing to Sans as he yelled back into the building that Sans was here. It was quiet for a moment before Sans heard the shuffle and running of feet. Sans looked into the building as he saw Frisk come down a  long staircase. He also noticed the other large men within the building. They must have also heard the news Sans thought to himself.

"  Hey kiddo" Sans said as Frisk ran up to them and hugged them. " Did you have a good day today?"

Frisk just shook their head a little and yawned as a sign they had a boring day.

"So are you ready to go. Dont want you to leave anything behind again. Plus Toriel is making us her snail pie once you are back." Sans said

Frisk smiled big as they heard the words snail pie. They always did secretly enjoy Toriel's snail pies. They grabbed onto Sans' hand as they exited the building. Both walking down the street back to their house.

It was a while before they both got into the crowded areas of the city, which they had to pass through to get back home. It was always a little annoying but every once in a while Sans would let them get ice cream from one of the small stores along the street.

Sans kept pace with Frsik making sure he didnt out walk them or vice versa. They continued through the crowds of people and than he felt it again. Those eyes. The same ones he felt before but this time he knew someone was watching them. Sans tried to break off their sightline by going down a different street than usual. He knew it was bad idea even before he turned down the street.

He kept hold of Frisk's hand as he made his way briskly down the street trying to get away from whoever was watching them. Sans turned down into an alley to stop and rest. He could tell they were in trouble and needed to make sure Frisk was okay. Sans knew he needed to keep moving and get back to the house. He picked himself back up and continued down the alley.

They were still a few feet away from the exit of the alley when three guys popped out from the street. Sans knew they were the ones who were following them. The men stayed silent and only took out firearms from their coats and pockets. Shock took over Sans as he quickly whispered something into Frisk ear before standing staring back at three men.

The one in the middle smiled and pulled the trigger....

E.N- Not dead. Had some real life stuff happen that caused me to not be able to work on this. Sorry.

Your soul saviour- Wokbok

Sans Loves ToriWhere stories live. Discover now