Chapter 1

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I peer over my shoulder to the snickering girls, giggling and whispering things in each other's ears, which it's probably safe to say, better for them to hear it and not me.
I crawl back onto my unmade bed and make it, according to Miss Dean's standards.
"Hurry up girls, or I will pull out the cane!"
As I hear footsteps approach our room, I look on the floor, where my eyes meet a pile of dirty clothes. I jump off my bunk and kick the clothes under Charly's bed, knowing they were hers, but also knowing that Miss Dean saw, I'd get the blame for it and I'd be the one punished.
We all line up welcoming Miss Dean into the room by chanting "Welcome Miss Dean."
"Girls, we have some potential adopters, who are looking, for loving, kind, sweet and smart girls. So what does that mean we do?"
"Smile, stand up straight, and DON'T look like spoils brats!" We all say again in sync.
"Great girls!" Miss Dean says kicking a piece of paper out of her way while she approaches the door.
"Better to get rid of you spoiled brats, rather than have you in my hair." I hear Miss Dean say, shutting the door. I walk back over to my bed, and climb up the ladder, and lie down again on the rough, solid mattress.
Suddenly I open my eyes, realising everyone is lined up with people inspecting them. Quickly I jump off my bed and line up with them as well, and Charly and her friends start laughing.
"Literally your going to stop us from getting adopted, and then you'll stay here and rot." Charly snickers, with her friends, that may as well be parrots. I look at the ground, attempting not to make eye contact. I stare at the ground and realise a nice pair of shoes. I look up, stunned, to a tall, handsome boy, with honey blonde hair, and piercing blue eyes.
"Hey." He says as I stand there, with our eyes meeting. I stand frozen, our gaze set on each other.
"What's your name? Mines Joe?"
"Ummmm, my name is ummmmm Luna I mean...." I stumble
"Aunty Bree, come cover here and meet Luna." He yells out as I go red and look at the floor.
His Aunty approaches us, examining me, and looking at my arms and legs, noticing my scars. She turns to whisper at Joe.
"She has scars Joe, we don't need a troublemaker in our house."
" I know that's why we can help her, I promise I'll help out even more in the house and everything, I really want to help her, and if you hadn't noticed those other girls keep snickering and laughing at her."
"Do you think we can help her?" She asks, impatiently.
"Yes I do. We can and we will help her, obviously she has had a rough life, so please?" He begs waiting for an answer.
"Well let's go talk to Miss Dean, and ask about her."

"Hi! We would like to know a little more about that girl, Luna." Bree pronounces proudly.
"I'm sure you'd like to adopt another girl like Charly, a capable, charming young lady!" Miss Dean says insistingly.
"No, I'm sure I'd prefer to have a kind and loving girl like Luna at my house!"
"No, no, you would prefer Char-""I said I would like to adopt Luna so please get me the paperwork! "
A few moments later Miss Dean returns, wielding a stack of stapled papers in her hand.
"Sign here, sigh here, and sign here.... Ok your all ready to go!"
I spin around to see Miss Dean walk in with an unhappy look on her face.
"Get your stuff, your being adopted by Bree, and Joe here."
"What?" I stumble looking around as Miss Dean ushers me to grab all my stuff.
I pack my stuff into a small, overused and overstretched bag. I run to the bathroom to get my toiletries and blade.
"Come on, one last time in this hell. You can do it all you want, for all anyone cares you can kill yourself..." "Her" voice trails off as I grab out the blade. I quickly press it into my arm, and clench my fist as I slide it around further and deeper than normal. I wash the blade, and throw it into my toiletries bag, being careful not to stab my old makeup or anything anything inside. I run out covering my painful arm, as I come out to a halt and look at Joe.
"He doesn't like you he just wants to use you." "She" says.
"Hey, are you ready to go?" Asks Joe cheerfully.
"Yea..." I stumble off, staring at the ground.
"Hey, look up." He says as he placed his long, thing fingers on my delicate chin. I jump at first, but then feel the warm embrace of the tall man.
"Your beautiful, and I can help you get through it.... Well everything you're going through." He says looking at my red, embarrassed face.
"It's all apart of his plan, you'll fall right into his trap and become his prey..." "She" says, as I hear an evil laugh float about in the back of my head.
I clench my fists and close my eyes, in an attempt to remove the voice but I know it won't work, and that she'll always be there...
"Luna, come on, everybody's ready to leave, and it's about time you're out of my way, even if I'll get a different spoil brat instead!" Miss Dean snaps back at me, bringing me back into reality.
I look over to Joe, who guides me over to the car. It's a medium sized car, with a midnight blue paint. It's truly beautiful, but it's missing something... Like a beautiful moon, similar to how I'm missing a sky to hold me, Luna, together.
Joe carefully places all my bags in the back of the car, one by one. My toiletries won't fit in my normal backpack so that is by itself. Slowly and carefully he lifts each bag in, first my backpack, then my pillow and finally my toiletries. The bag tears open, at the weight of everything inside it. My blade falls onto the ground, causing a dropped coin kind of a sound, making everyone turn. Suddenly everyone is staring at my blade, as I dive to retrieve it and hide it in my large baggy jumper pocket.
"Luna, what was that?" Joe asks worried.
"Nothing!" I snap and climb into the midnight blue car. It's even more beautiful on the inside, but I make myself not care and show no happy emotions, because if I do I feel he will find out my weaknesses or judge me for having a fatal flaw.
"Better to leave, than be stuck in this hell hole forever." I think, trying to find the bad in leaving, but the good in going to a house, with random strangers...

Okay, so I kinda forgot about this book for a while, but I did come back and I'm going to try and write it more frequently, and make it better! Please vote, comment, and follow!

~Cass xx 💖

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