Chapter Twelve

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Early morning sunshine pours into the tent. I have never been able to stay asleep late. Not relatable, I know. When I'm awake, I'm awake.

I smile as memories of last night come back.

I poke Thomas' face childishly. I lean back and let out a laugh as he doesn't stir. I poke his face again. MWAH HAHA!

"The little green wormy crawled up the hill and ate Chipotle." Thomas murmurs.

I screech, not able to hold my laughter in. He sleep talks?

I poke his face rapidly. He opens his eyes. "Huh?" I laugh heartily. This guy...

"I didn't know little wormies ate Chipotle." I say laughing crazily.

"Huh?" He looks so confused which send me on another round of laughter.
He smiles at my laughter and says softly, "I love that your smiling. Your entire face lights up. You have that type of smile." He laughs at my confused face. "It's good to smile sometimes." He says.

I smile, my red lips tugging upward. "It is."

I can't stop thinking about little green worms eating at Chipotle! I reluctantly get up. Hey I said that I was good at waking up, not getting up! It's difficult to get out of bed! Don't deny it! You know it's true!!!

When I'm finally able to get out of bed, I change into a black tank top, blue jeans, and a brown leather jacket. Thomas had brought lots of clothes for all of us. The jeans are a little long, they must've been his sister's.

I'm curious about her. Is she our age? Is she nice? Where is she now? Why doesn't Thomas talk about her much? What's her name?

When I walk out I see Thomas and the Wave and blurt with out thinking, "Where is your sister now?" I mentally face palm. If he was going to tell you, he would've already.

I dark look dances behind his eyes and Jonathon speaks looking sad, "Please don't talk about it." This is the first time that I've seen him look vulnerable.

I feel awkward. "Ok." I almost whisper.

Thomas still looks haunted and chokes on his words, "She deserves to know."

"But she wouldn't understand!" Jonathon yells.

The whisper to eachother. They pull away and Thomas says, "She was murdered." He says simply. Thomas' eyes tear up.

"By who?" I ask and regret it as his eyes harden.

"You'll know soon enough." He mutters his eyes as hard hard as a brick wall. This is the first time I've seen him do serious.

Jonathon looks scared and frightened then quickly covers it up, "Anyone want breakfast?" He says his smirk back in its usual place.

"I urm... want to take a walk..." I say and walk off.

The trees seem ten times my height, but to be fair I'm not tall.

Suddenly a thunderous, threatening roar sounds from behind me. "Ah!" I scream. I turn on my heels. A giant black, slimy creature stands behind me.

It growls and sends a lightning bolt at me. I jump away and summon a flame into my hand. The lighting bolt scorches the ground where I was just standing. I gasp. It send a wave next to me. I am pulled under the water. I have a sense of dejà vu and I remember two days ago when The Wave almost drowned me as I scramble to the surface. When I get there I scream out, "Thomas! Thomas! Help me! Jonathon! Help!" The water recedes and now I'm in a circle of fire. The most or screeches a terrible sound that chills me to my bones. I walk through the flames easily and start to make my way to the monster. I staff appears in my hands and I don't even notice. I stab it's foot venemously. Black liquid oozes out. It cries out. It flails its giant arms out and scratches my stomach. The cut fuels my fire and I continue attacking. I slash the staff through his stomach. In mid-air the staff's end turns into a blade. It slices the thing in half and I see Thomas and The Wave behind it looking worried. Thomas runs to me and wraps me in a hug. "You held your own, " He whispers, "I'm proud of you." He dips me and I giggle. Then my cut burns fiercely. "Ouch!" "Are you OK?" Thomas asks. "I'm...fine..." I say and everything fades to black.

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