The "Meow" Pirates

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First I wanna start off by saying creds to whoever made these adorable pictures!
Second I don't own One Piece or Reader Chan or whoever besides my OC's blah blah blah xD
And finally 3rd... Enjoy!!

Chapter One
(On the deck of your ship. at around 10 at night)

"Captain!!" you heard your first mate Soul scream excitedly.
You turned around and looked at her, "What's wrong?" you asked confused.
"We caught a fish! We all agreed you should have it!" She exclaimed happily holding it out to you.
You sighed examining the arms length fish. "Soul it's only been a few days I haven't ate, I can go a few more. Give it to the injured who feel sick. Okay?" You smiled hiding the unbearable hunger and waved your tail.
Soul smiled and hugged you. "I knew you would say that. I bet they'll all be more then thrilled..."
You giggled and purred "Sneak some medicine in it for the people who refuse to take any" you winked.
Soul ran off laughing. "Okay captain!" She yelled running inside.
You sighed looking at the stars your stomach growling.
"I'll catch a giant sea king and make a feast for all of us! My crew deserves better!" You mumbled to yourself while holding your stomach.

***Flash Back 5 days***

"Captain! Captain!" A young crew mate whisper yelled sitting on the bed
"What's wrong Jace?" Asking while ruffling his hair.
His eyes watering and handing you a note
Reading the note out loud
"Hey sexy kitty,
We decided to take all the food in the kitchen. Don't worry we left a little bit since kittens need to eat ;)
-Love Demaro Black"
Setting the note down and carrying Jace to the kitchen to check the stock, all that's left is a fish bone and chunky milk. With Angry tears in your eyes you go to the navigation room
"Gary! I need you to hunt down th-" Cutting yourself off you run to Gary the navigator and see 3 bullet holes in his chest and all the log poses smashed.
"Gary wake up! Wake up Gary! Gary!!"

***Flash Back Ends***

"Captain.... Captain.." Spike whispered. (Despite the name and appearance, he's an angel xD)
You looked up yawning. "Did I fall asleep..?" More mumbling to yourself while looking at the sky to guess what time it was. It's probably been about an hour.
"I guess, but captain (y/n) guess what!" He shouted.
"Hmmm... you caught another fish- no Sea King!" You asked smiling.
"No.." he said looking down sadly. Quickly snapping out of it he jumped up excitedly. "There's a submarine with some weird "smiling" jolly roger!"
Mumbling.. "Sub with "Smiling" Jolly Roger...?" Quickly realizing who it was you jumped up and saw for yourself. Yep it's who you thought it was "Go tell them to follow the ship, and tell Shadow to disguise the Purring Fish please"
(Purring Fish is your ship name. The figure head is a catfish lmao) you ordered while waving your tail back and forth excitedly.
"Yes Sir! Er... Ma'am!" He jumped back inside the ship giggling. Doing what he was told you started hearing noises inside the ships. 5 minutes later you found yourself jumping on the Heart Pirates ship.
"Captain (Y/N) please be safe!" Crew mates said quietly with worry and excitement in their voice.
You whisper shouted to your crew. I'll be back like this!" You snapped your fingers and smirked a cocky grin while going inside the sub.

***In Laws ship***

With the power of the Neko Neko no mi you were able to sneak around quietly like a cat. When you went inside you found yourself in a kitchen. Thinking to yourself how much to get and leave you decided to get as much as you can carry.

(Here's what you had so far:
●Fish. Lots of fish. Duh. *Meows*
●Apples, Bananas and Oranges. Had to keep the crew healthy.
●Meat. All though you didn't like meat besides Fish your crew loved it for some reason. *Licks Self while holding nose up* Ew.
●Sake. What kinda pirate ship doesn't have sake?
●Water. Don't complain or you can have Salt Water baka.
●An extra log pose. I ain't floating to no where any more.)

Sighing you taped a note on the fridge saying
"Dear Trafalgar Law
Thanks for the food! You might need to go fishing soon..
~(Y/N) of the Meow Pirates"
Closing the door you tripped and fell on your face.
"Mrow!" *hissing in pain*
You heard a deep voice "Need some help with that?"
"Yeah that would be nice of yo-" cutting yourself off and looking up slowly at the person ahead of you..
"Oh dear lord" you mumbled to yourself when you saw the blue sphere form around you.
"Room" Trafalgar D. Water Law whispered.
This was gonna be fun. Real fun.

So????? Thoughts?? I know this might be kinda short, but hey! I worked hard! Almost 1000 words on the first chappy! Anyways I'm gonna update quiet frequently so if you enjoyed it... be sure! Their will be one tommorow! (Today's August 5th.. ^-^)
Drop down any thoughts. I'll take it! XD
Next chapter I'll explain what Soul, Shadow, and Spikes Devil Fruit does! Hehe SSS
Law: *Glares* Shut up and write another chapter. I have a Neko to take care of. Stupid cat stole my fish-.-
Me: *Shudders and replys sarcastically* Atleast she left the bread!
Law: *Raises eyebrow and forms room* What was that?
Me: Okay gotta go, bye till next time Reader Chan!
*Screen turns black*

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