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***Chapter 3***
Normal POV
(Y/N) realized that even though Law just allowed her underlings to leave untouched and fed she was still in enemy territory. Of course, she was afraid. But she decided a long time ago that friends were way more important then her self since that incident a long time ago. So she put her fears behind herself and began preparing for any punishment. Law just sighed and grabbed her hand pulling her outside.
She blushed "Wha- What are you doing?" (Y/N) asked embarrassed.
Law knew that he was known for his cold personality and heartless actions but right now he decided that this girl was too caring and... "special" to separate from her crew whom she loved so much. So he decided to let her go.
Law replied and smiled a smile that you don't often see on Dr Heart Stealers face very often. "Go back to your crew (Y/N). You can pay me back later."
Her face was priceless. It lit up like a fire with a whole can of gas in it. (Y/N) jumped on Law hugging him tightly with her left cheek on his right cheek knocking him down and ears perking up.
"THANK YOU SO MUCH TRAFALGAR LAW!" She exclaimed her tail wrapping around him. His face was rosy pink.
"N-No proble-m (Y/N)"
(Y/N) realized that she was on top of him on the ground so she got up and grabbed his hand helping him up.
"I- I'm so sorry!" She replied looking away embarrassed.
Law saw her embarrassed so he just laughed and grabbed her hand leading her out of his room.

***The Submarine***
Your POV
Law led me out and let's just say, I was embarrassed. Hopefully he didn't notice. I'm so happy he's gonna let me return to my crew. Maybe he'll agree on making an alliance with me? I have to pay him back for the food. I'm so excited!
"Penguin! Shachi! Bepo! What happened?! Law yelled. I snapped back to reality and saw 2 men and a bear knocked out.
The guy with a hat that said Penguin grounded. I'm assuming he's penguin. We both ran over to them. I checked the guy with the blue hats pulse and then the White Bear.
I looked at Law, he was holding Penguin with a worried look.
Penguin grabbed Laws shoulders and shook them.
"It's horrible!" He cried. "They drugged us and ran!"
I slowly let go of the bear and got up. Law noticed and asked Penguin.
"They all drugged us and left!" He started sobbing.
I sighed "It's called Ambien. It's very uncommon. Only a select few doctors in the world have it. We picked up a lot of it from stealing a doctor ship and we ended up using it on enemy's we don't want to fight."
Law raised an eye brow. "So you're a Cat Burglar?"
"No!" I exclaimed. "Anyways sir where did my crew go?"
Penguin stared at me. "I don't have to answer a beaut- I mean horrible Burglar like your self." He looked away.
Law hit him in the head. "💢Just answer her, baka."
He rubbed his head and cried "You're so mean CaptainT-T"
He stared at him with scary eyes even I shuddered. And he was helping me! He flinched and started talking.
"I don't really remember. They knocked us out and ran talking about going to paradise alone or som-"
I fell. I fell to my knees shocked.
"You- you're sure they said pa- paradise... alone...?" I asked very slowly taking it all in at once.
"I'm pretty sure. Why? And who are you anyways?" I heard penguin say pretty distant from where I am now. I didn't answer. I couldn't hear him. Or Law calling my name. Or the sound of Shachi and Bepo getting up. All I could hear was the sounds of our past on Angel Island. The island populated with demons, location hell.
***Flash Back***
16 years ago on Angel Island
Normal POV

"Get back to work you runt! Her majesties order!" A red and black suit man asked while whipping the young 6 year old that goes by the name of Soul.
"AHHH! I'm sorry I'll try again!" She stated trying to lift 3 boxes at once full of flour. She managed to hold them up but that didn't last for long.
"Well try harder you ugly beast!" The man asked whipping her making all the boxes fall over again.
"See you beast? You can't even carry a few boxes!" He laughed with another worker while everyone looked away not daring to help.
"I ought to whip you again and again till you bleed and throw you in a crate full of salt and shake you around for a bit!" He got in her face.
"How does that sound?!" He asked about to whip her again till it stopped. A young girl stopped it with her bare hands.
"(Y/N) San!" Soul sobbed hugging (Y/N)'s waist.
She looked down at the crying 6 year old and patted her head. Then she looked up at the disgusting old man. If looks could kill he'd be in a grave already on his way to hell.
"Let me make this clear." (Y/N) stared and pulled the whip. "I don't want you or any of these fools to touch my Nakama again. Got it?" She glared.
"You brat you're like 4 what are you gonna do little pussy?!" He grinned all of the workers jumping at her at once. She pushed Soul back then all of a sudden everyone fainted except her and her friends. Everyone was dumbfounded.
"I'm 8 you idiot. And call me a Neko not a pussy." She said spitting on the main guy. Her majesty saw this. And guards were all down there to get her. She just accepted it and told Soul and her other friends with a big smile before she was carried off in a big hurry.
"Don't worry! We're gonna go to paradise together without having to worry about these idiots!"

WHEW! DONE! With 5 minutes before 12!
Law: Maybe you shouldn't have spent the whole day watching Glee, stupid.
Me: leave me alone bully I got it done before 12 T-T
Law: it's 11:58 you better wrap this A/n up.
Me: Oh right! Thanks
Anyways I hope you enjoyed it's pretty long to make up for the last chapter. Like 1000 words with no A/n :3. Comment any suggestions or requests okie?! Okie bye my kitties! <3 have a good Night!
(Also sorry for any mistakes I didn't proof read too much.)

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