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"Toby... Toby we gotta get up." Jack said as he nudged Toby.
Toby grumbled as he turned over and shoved his face in Jack's pillow. Toby wasn't ready to get up. Jack sighed before getting out of bed. Toby curled up in the blankets, trying to get warm. He hadn't noticed how warm Jack had kept him.
"Toby... Come on." Jack said as he picked Toby up bridal style. Toby stretched his body and Jack almost dropped him. "Careful!" Jack warns.
"It's cold!" Toby whines.
Jack rolled his head, his way of rolling his eyes. Toby could be such a child at times. Though it was really funny. He walked over to Toby's bed before dropping him. Toby wiggled around trying to get warm.
"You know Tobes, I think Slenderman is making waffles today." Jack said while humming a chuckle. "Three... Two... One..."
Toby jumped out of bed stripping off his pajamas. Jack chuckled as he walked to his dresser. He took out a pair of black skinny jeans and a purple T-shirt. He yelped as Toby jumped onto his back, already dressed.
"Jack, hurry!" He practically squealed in Jack's ear.
"I can't get dressed with you on my back." Jack replied while covering one of his ears.
Toby quickly climbed off, jumping from one foot to the other. Jack shook his head as he undressed himself and put his clothes on. Before he could turn around Toby was pushing him towards the door. Jack smirked as he started falling back on the younger male.
"Jack! C-Come on!" Toby whined as Jack fell back in his arms. "We have to go!"
"Gravity is taking hold on me Toby! I can't walk." Jack said as he fell a little more.
Toby glared and pinched Jack's butt. Jack yelped as he jumped up. He did NOT see that coming.
"T-Toby!" He said in a surprised tone.
Toby started pushing him again. Jack immediately started walking on his own as Toby rushes to the door. Jack sighed as he moved a little faster.
Toby makes an impatient noise. "Jaaack!" He whined.
Jack hurried to the door. Toby quickly opened it and ran down the hall. Jack followed slowly. All it took was waffles to get Toby out of bed. Wonder how I'll get him out of bed tomorrow, Jack thought to himself.
As he watched the young proxy run down the hall he found himself smiling. He was happy to see Toby was in a good mood. Toby stopped at the staircase as he waited impatiently. Jack sighed as he half jogged half walked.
As soon as he made it to the staircase Toby slid down the railing and ran to the kitchen. Jack yawned as he slowly made his way down. He wasn't really hungry so there was no need for him to rush. He didn't really like waffles either.
   He jumped as Toby almost tackled him. He pushed him off glaring.
   "What the h*ll Toby?" He growls.
   Toby cowers before Jack. "S-Sorry..." He says quietly looking down. "I'm just really hungry..."
   "Then why aren't you eating? You don't have to wait for me." He says as he yawns.
   "Do you not remember Slenderman's last lecture?"
   Jack kind of gives an embarrassed chuckle as he looks away. Toby sighs. Jack had a tendency to zone out when Slenderman lectured them.
   "We are to walk with our roommates to the kitchen." Toby says as he grabs Jack's hand and starts dragging him to the kitchen.
   "Oh, heh..." Jack says. It's not surprising that Toby had listened. He was second in command. Jack never paid attention cause Slenderman practically lectured the same thing every single time. And if he ever added something it was such a small detail that it wouldn't be noticeable.
   As they made their way into the kitchen Toby immediately ran over to get a plate of food. Jack walked over to a table and sat down. He wasn't surprised when Toby sat by him. What surprised him was that Toby had set a glass down in front of him.
   "What's this?" He asked pointing at the drink. 
   Toby took the fork out of his mouth and swallowed. "Coffee." He answered. "You looked tired."
   Jack took the hot drink in his hands. It was straight black coffee. No sugars or creamer. He took a sip of the bitter rich coffee. He made a weird face.
   "Can you hand me some honey?" Jack asked.
   Toby cocked his head. Honey? He thought to himself. He decided not to question it and got the sticky sweet goodness. Jack took a generous spoonful before stirring it into the coffee. He wasn't too fond of black coffee or overly sweet coffee. Honey helped get the right blend of sweetness.
Jack took a drink smacking his lips happily. "Now this is good." He said as he put an arm behind his head and leaned back in his chair.
"Thanks by the way."
"No problem." Toby said through a mouthful of waffle.
Jack hummed a chuckle as he took another sip. He was tired, that was for sure. He didn't really want the coffee but it wasn't often when someone got something for him. He smiled softly.
"Whelp, I'm gonna go get seconds." Toby said as he stood up with an empty plate.
"You just sat down." Jack chuckles.
"I'm a growing boy." Toby jokes as he walks away.
"And I'm the president of the Untied States!" Jack laughs.
He took another drink of his coffee, watching as a few more pastas filed in. He got a kick out of Jeff, Liu, and BEN. Jeff and Liu had to carry a sleeping BEN into the kitchen and sit him in a chair when they went to get their food. They had been glaring at each other the whole time, sometimes growling.
As Toby sat back down, Clockwork came in. They both looked up with their hearts racing. They adored her. Though, neither boy knew that the other liked her as well.
She sat down in front of them with a waffle and glass of orange juice. "Hey guys." She said.
"Morning." They said in unison.
She smiled as she took a sip of her juice. "Oh Jack, I'd sit in my chair properly before Slender kills you." She snickered.
Jack quickly set his chair on all four legs, holding back blush. He cleared his throat as he took another drink from his coffee. He snuck a couple glances at Clockwork as his heart fluttered.
She was so beautiful. He set his cup down glancing at Toby. He noticed Toby starring at Clockwork and felt a wave of jealousy take over him. Toby was not stealing her heart. Besides, he had known her longer. She was his.
   "So, Clocky." Jack said as blush began heating his cheeks.
   "Yeah Jack?" She asked, chuckling as he blushes.
   "I was wondering if you had a boyfriend." Jack asked nonchalantly.
   Toby's face heated up with jealousy. Was Jack asking her out?! No, he wasn't right for her! Toby starred down at his food with anger.
   "Oh, that's right! I haven't told you guys." She said giving a nervous chuckle. She brushed some hair back. "I'm dating Jeff."
   Jack forced a smile. "That's great!" He said enthusiastically, even though he was screaming with rage inside.
   She chose Jeff of all people?! Toby would make a better boyfriend than him. Jack took a sip of his coffee as he continued smiling.
   Toby almost spit out his waffle when Clockwork spoke. Jeff? Jeff?! She was dating that psychotic slob of a man?! He tapped his fingers on the table as he swallowed.
   "So you and the killer." Toby said chuckling. "Who woulda thunk it."
   Clockwork smiles. "He isn't that bad. Bit of an embarrassed wreck when he tries to be romantic." She took a sip of her juice. "It's adorable though. He becomes a blushing mess."
   The boys chuckled, pretending to be happy. Of course the love of their lives would have a boyfriend.
   I should've asked her out sooner, both the boys thought.
   She was thankfully happy but the two still envied Jeff greatly. Jeff had the best girl ever in his life and they were stuck single.
   Toby finished his second waffle while quietly burping. He slowly stood up, taking his plate to the sink. He came back smiling. "I'm gonna go get my gear." He said while stretching.
   The other two nodded. Jack continued sipping his coffee as he yawned. Toby walked behind him as he left, roughly tugging a few locks of Jack's hair. Jack held back a yelp of pain as he glared at the young boy.

   Toby quickly ran up the stairs to his and Jack's room. He slammed the door behind him as he fell onto his bed. Of course Clockwork was taken! Who wouldn't want her as a girlfriend? He sighed angrily into his pillow.
   Maybe he could sabotage their relationship? No, he wouldn't do that to Clocky... What if he made her jealous? That could work. Oh, he could definitely do that. But who would go out with him? Only Clockwrok and Jane really spoke to him. Maybe Jane would go out with him.
   "No." He said as he rolled over. "She said it herself, she likes Laughing Jack..." He covered his face. "Nope... Nope... Nope..." He said as plans kept coming to mind.
   "What do you mean, nope?" Jack asked as he came in.
   Toby's eyes shot open as he leaned up. He cleared his throat. "Oh nothing." He replied.
   Jack rolled his head as he pulled on his hoody. He grabbed his mask off his dresser. He spoke as he put it on.
   "So you like Clockwork?" Jack asked as he turned around.
   "You do too." Toby growled while crossing his arms.
   Jack sighed as he started looking around the room. "It doesn't matter. She's already taken." He said while looking under his bed.
   Toby pouted while looking away. Jack walked over to Toby's bed and started looking under it. Toby lifted his feet before slamming them onto Jack's back. Jack let out a quick shout of pain.
  He rolled away, arching his back while putting his hands where Toby had stomped on him. Toby watched smirking. If Clockwork and Jeff ever broke up, she was his.
   As the pain began to become less noticeable Jack stood up. Toby quickly stopped smirking as Jack pushed his mask up. He looked over at the small, now scared boy. Toby had really f*cked up. Jack slowly walked over, savoring the fear written on Toby's face.
   He was probably a foot from Toby when the door opened. Jack quickly pulled his mask back down as he looked over to see BEN.
   "We have to get to training." He said as he closed the door.
   Jack sighed. "You'll pay later." He growled while snapping his jaws at Toby.
   Toby cowered as he quickly got out of his bed, grabbing his gear. As he walked to the door he felt Jack grab his arm.
   "Watch yourself today, you don't know when I'll strike." He whispered.
   Toby swallowed as he quickly left. Wonderful! Jack wanted him dead! Great! He was doomed! Maybe Jack would forget about it and leave him be. Maybe he would stop caring... Hopefully.

Hearts of a Kind (Ticci Toby X Eyeless Jack)Where stories live. Discover now