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   Toby shivered in his bed quietly as he watched Jack sleep. Jack had been acting differently lately. It was five days into their break too. Everything had been fine for the first few days but soon Jack became very rare to find. One moment he'd be somewhere another moment he'd be gone. Toby wanted to speak with him quite often but he could never find him.
   Toby quickly noticed his teeth were chattering. What was the temperature in the room? Toby curled into a ball as he tried to retain some warmth. It didn't help at all. Toby looked at Jack who was sleeping perfectly fine, not a single shiver.
   Twitching, Toby stood up, keeping the blankets wrapped around himself he walked over to Jack's bed. He swallowed as he lifted the blankets that covered Jack and crawled under them, curling close to the larger boy. Jack mumbled something incoherent in his sleep but thankfully didn't wake up. Toby snuggled his head under Jack's with a happy sigh.
   As he breathed in he immediately felt calm and much warmer. Though Jack's diet mainly consisted of kidneys he smelled like cinnamon, almost all the time. It was a very homely scent. Jack could sometimes be the scariest thing on earth, but he loved the way he smelled. He took a long breath in, smiling softly at the scent.
Toby blushed slightly when Jack pulled him closer with a slight grunt. Toby's heart rate picked up mildly but he didn't move. Toby squirmed a little to get his arms out of his blanket and quickly noticed something. Jack was shirtless. He knew it was a bad idea but he couldn't help himself.
Gently, he pressed his hand against Jack's stomach and glided it up over his abs. His face heated up with envy. For some reason though, he couldn't help admiring Jack's body. He was athletic and... Hot. His face heated up even more as he noticed he accepted this fact. It doesn't mean anything, he told himself. You're just noticing he has a good build. But deep down, he knew he liked what he felt. He continued to lie to himself though, not wanting the truth.
   Jack took a shaky breath in his sleep causing Toby to stiffen. Don't wake up, don't wake up, don't wake up, he continued thinking. Jack mumbled in his sleep and cuddled next to Toby. Toby sighed in relief and took another whiff of Jack. So good, he smiled, I'm so dead. Blush once again crept onto his face as Jack ran his fingers through Toby's hair.
   "Toby?" He said groggily. "What're you doing?"
   "J-Jack I'm sorry! I was freezing cold and you looked s-so warm and..." He stopped talking as he noticed Jack had already fallen back asleep.
   Too close, way too close. Jack was probably gonna tear him apart in the morning. He quickly began to try and get up only to have Jack's arms tighten around him.
   "This is your punishment for waking me up." Jack mumbled.
   Toby blinked a few times and twitched silently. What? He thought, this is my punishment? Staying warm? I don't mind this actually, he thought cheerfully, he's nice and warm as well as good smelling. I can deal with this.
   His thoughts didn't get much farther. He snuggled closer to Jack, took another sniff of his cinnamon scent and was off to sleep.

   Toby yawned as he slowly woke up. It was warmer than it had been last night but he noticed Jack was gone, like usual. He was about to get up until he noticed fingers running through his hair. He glanced around and noticed his head was in someone's lap. He looked up to see Jack starring down at him. He still smelled of cinnamon.
   "Morning sleepy head." Jack chuckled softly.
   Toby could feel his cheeks heating up a little when he noticed Jack was still shirtless. He swallowed as he leaned up, rubbing sleep from his eyes. He took a deep breath and caught that cinnamon scent again and his stomach rumbled.
   "You're making me hungry." Toby said before he had time to comprehend what had come out of his mouth. Blush took over his face as soon as he stopped talking. "I m-mean you smell like cinnamon and I started getting h-hungry! Not that y-you're turning m-me on!" He said hurriedly.
   Jack's cheeks were dusted with blush but he was chuckling. "Are you sure? From how you were touching me last night I'd say you're straight as a circle." Jack sniggered.
Toby's eyes widened with surprise and embarrassment. "You were aw-wake?!" He yelled.
"I woke up as soon as you got in my bed. I was about to shoo you out but I thought I'd embarrass you. But it seemed like the perfect time right now." Jack laughed as he leaned back, propping himself up on his elbows.
Toby's mouth went dry as he scanned up and down Jack's chest. Stop looking, stop looking, stop looking, he continued thinking. He forced himself to tear his eyes away and looked forward, at his bed. Why did I have to say that? Why did I have to be such an idiot!?
Jack had seen Toby looking him up and down, it gave him butterflies in his stomach. He had loved the feeling of Toby running his fingers over his chest. He wanted that feeling again but he highly doubted Toby would ever do that again. But he yearned for Toby's touch, and only Toby's. He wanted, no, needed to be Toby's.
"So you noticed my scent?" Jack said as he closed his eyes, smiling so that only his top daggers were visible. Now this surprised him. Nobody had ever noticed Jack's cologne. It was probably covered up by the smell of rot though.
Toby gave a small nod. "Yeah, so?" He asked.
"Getting a little defensive are we?" Jack chuckled. "Don't worry, it just surprised me is all. I never thought anyone would ever smell it, that is, unless I went on a no kidney diet." He said as he opened up one of his eyeless lids. He glanced at Toby's attire. A gray tank top and blue gym shorts. He watched as Toby's stapled hands lustered in the early morning sunlight. "You have bed head." Jack said as he leaned up, grabbing Toby's head and messing with his hair, trying to fix it.
"Like you don't." Toby said as he rolled his eyes and tried to pull away, only to have Jack cup the back of Toby's neck.
"Stay still... For once." Jack muttered as he continued fixing Toby's hair. He was more or less playing with it actually. He loved how soft it was and the slight curls at the ends. He twirled a strand in his finger as he continued running his fingers through it, trying to brush it down.
Toby remained still as Jack practically fussed over him. He tugged at the bottom of his shirt, wanting to be free from Jack. He blushed as Jack cupped his face and looked at him, cocking his head slightly. He looked at Jack's cracked lips and felt himself thinking they looked quite nice as well as wondering how they'd feel against his. What the heck Toby!? Shove that thought down deep, now! He told, and forced, himself to do.
"That looks pretty good." Jack nodded as he let go of Toby's face, leaning back again.
Toby was about to get up until he noticed Jack's head of messy hair. He tortured me, I'll torture him, Toby thought to himself mischievously. He quickly crawled over into Jack's lap and began fixing his hair, almost immediately regretting his decision. Jack's blush was probably as red as a tomato but Toby ignored it. "Do not mention how I look on you." Toby growled as his face heated up a little.
   "I barely want to move Tobes, I'm not gonna mention it cause you just might start moving." Jack said as he starred at Toby's chest.
   Toby purposely yanked on some of Jack's hair, earning a pain filled grunt. "I said not to mention it." He growled as he continued brushing down Jack's hair. He was just about to get up as the door opened. Oh dear lord... Was the only thing Toby could think as he froze.
   Thank the lord Jack didn't freeze up or they'd be in the worst positions possible. Quick as a viper Jack pinned Toby's wrists to the bed with his teeth bared as he leaned over him.
"If you ever wake me up like that again, I'll rip your throat out!" He snarled, winking at Toby.
Toby, immediately understanding, quickly played along. "I-I'm sorry! I promise I'll n-never do it again!" Geez, he was so glad Jack was as smart as he was, and as quick. Jack leaned back with a terrifyingly animalistic growl.
BEN stood in the doorway, still in his pajamas. Jack could've laughed. They were a dark purple with lime green skulls on them. The pants were ankle long and the shirt was a short sleeved button up. The ends all had a lime green trim. They looked like they should've belonged to a little girl. He bit the insides of his cheeks to hold back a grin. Not to mention BEN's face was priceless. His mouth was slightly open with surprise and his eyes were all buggy. He had probably just woken up and wasn't expecting to immediately hear yelling.
"What do you want BEN?" Jack snapped at the younger boy. BEN jumped slightly at the steel in Jack's voice. It was kind of cute, how easily he got scared. Jack once again held back a chuckle.
"Tonight we're playing a game of Truth or Dare." BEN says as he grips the door knob. "Just thought you guys might like to know." Fear was rippling through his body. Jack looked really p*ssed and BEN did not want to become his victim of torture. As soon as he was done talking he quickly closed the door and scuttled away.
Toby sighed loudly in relief. "Thank you... So much..." He breathed. Jack had honestly been his savior right then. He looked up at the boy and quickly saw the giant grin on his face. "What's that about?" He asked with curiosity like a cat's.
"BEN is always dressing like a girl!" Jack laughed as he fell back on the bed. Now that BEN was gone he didn't mind laughing as loud as he was now.
Toby starred at him for a moment before laughing himself. Jack was right about that. BEN almost always seemed to be wearing something that looked like it should belong to a girl. Jack eventually stopped his laughing and his thoughts began to wander.
A game of truth or dare? Jack wasn't sure how that was gonna go. But he was curious as to what could happen.

Hey guys, sorry for the late update. I just got ungrounded a couple days ago, yippee! Anyways I had a bit of writers block and all that so that's what took so long! I'll try to get the next part out soon! Bye!

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