Sleep Disorder

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January 10, 2016 12:01 AM

      You were in a very deep sleep. You were dreaming about your home even though it has been less than a day you left. You missed everyone and everything that you had left. Your family and friends; all of it was gone. You felt a tear building up. While sleeping someone entered your room. Of course, you didn't notice until they woke you up.

"Who's there?" you whispered out into the darkness of your room.

"Your worst nightmare!" replied a voice you didn't recognize.

"Really? You think that that would scare me? Just who do you think I am?" you retorted out of annoyance.

"Tch. Well, sorry! I definitely know that Yui would be terrified. I guess you both are really different."

"Can you just tell me who you are?!"

"Ughhh... You can't even tell?! It's me Ayato!"

"Well, what do you want? And can you get off of me?!"

"Fine. Fine. I will. After you let me drink your blood."


      "No, you will not get my blood! Not in a million years!" You kicked him as hard as you could at his- well, you know. The fight was on! Right after you kicked him, you pushed him off of you and shoved him against the wall. Slap- I mean, Punching him in the face you quickly ran out of the room. 'I'm so happy I fell asleep with my normal clothing and shoes on!' You were sprinting down the hall. You sort of remembered how to get to the main doors of the large mansion and just trusted yourself; knowing where you were going.

       When you saw a glimpse of the door, you were shocked, surprised, nervous, disappointed, and frightened at the shock of seeing everyone standing right in front of the door. You froze at the bottom of the stairs. Silence. Nobody spoke a single word. All of a sudden you ran around the stairs and started running in the opposite direction. You knew they were following you. 'I will not let them control my life or see me weak in any single way!' you promised this to yourself. You kept turning everywhere and ran in every single direction. But, you soon came to a stop when you ran into all of them again. This time, they had Yui.

"(Y/N)! Why exactly are you running!"

You didn't say anything.


"Let me go." you mumbled.

"Oi! You have to speak louder!" Ayato yelled.

"I said, LET ME GO! I don't want to be here! I know now I was wrong in the beginning! I said to myself, 'I think I'm gonna like it here' but I was completely wrong! I mean, someone pinning you down on your bed at 12:01 in the morning is not fun! And you want my blood?! Why would I ever give it to you?! I don't care if you die! I don't care if you're a vampire! You won't take anything from me for my life! Who do you think you are?! I HATE IT HERE YOU CAN"T TAKE OVER MY LIFE!!! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE."

"I wonder why she's so mad right now. Right Teddy?" Kanato said. There was a silence.

You just stared in bewilderment. "Why aren't you saying anything? Just tell me what you think! Please! Why am I here!"

Everyone said, "No. You can't go."

Then Reiji added with a smirk, "Unless you want some people to die."

      You fell to the ground on your knees. 'Are you there God? It's me (YN). It's me (YN). Answer! Please! Help me.'


(YN)- your name

Hello minna-san!!!  GOMENASAI! I left for such a long time! ( ; w ; ) GOMENASAI!!! Well, I'm back from Japan now! I bought a kimono! I had solo much fun! I really enjoyed my trip <3 I missed everyone so much! I actually just want to quickly clear something up.... So you know how my "user name" is PennX right? Well, it doesn't stand for anything inappropriate! I swear! It's from an inside joke I made in class. I took two pens and stuck them in my glasses which made an X across my face; there are two N's in the user name because I took two pens. I just want to clear this up just in case someone thought it was wrong! XD XD XD I would never do that! Anyway, I had a bit of writer's block so that's why this chapter is sort of short. Again, I'm sorry! And thanks for reading' Ja ne~ <3 <3 <3


Laito: Waaa! B*tch-Chan is dirty?

Me: N-no! I just happened to notice just in case someone got the wrong idea! I'm not a perv like you!

Laito: Nufufu~ you just stuttered! *pushes me against the wall*

Me: BAKA! ('//o//')

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