Zip your lips.

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"YOU FUCKING BITCH" My mother screamed at me. "IF YOU WOULD HAVE STAYED QUITE HE MIGHT BE ALIVE!" "I-I'm sor-" "ZIP IT! Hehe. You know what. That's a good idea." I watched as my mother went to cut the zipper off my jacket and got her sewing kit. " now then stay still ya little bitch." Then she sewed the zipper on to my lips and zipped it up.  "Don't you dare un zip it until I tell you to got it?" " I nodded. She hasn't let me un zip my lips in years. I'm so hungry. RING RING RING I went to the phone. " hello is this Stacie Wolf? " I made I sound the sounded like a yes. "Your mother was just in a car crash. She. Died. We're sending some one to come pick you up. But the last thing she said was "un zip." We has no idea what she's taking about do you." I didn't say any thing. When I got to the hospital I saw her dead body. She had a jacket. I un zipped it. She seemed to all most smile. I'm about to die now. I haven't had food or water in two years. I'm too far to get to a hospital. But if you ever find me. Please un zip my lips. I've seen my mother again. She said I'm aloud to unzip my lips. I'm I'm too weak. I can barely write this. Now I must go.

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