The doc is in. Oh and he's hireing a nurs!

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I was home alone and was scared out if my mind. I had just read a bunch of scary stories so I was freaking out. I heard a bunch of noises of stuff. "One two a hart for you three four a bucket of eyes five six I think your sick seven eight I'll give you a check up!" I spun around and saw this hairless thing with razor sharp teeth and a kitchen knife that it then stabbed into my cheek just enough to where after words it could peel it back and look inside my skin at the muscle and vanes" hmm... I think I'll look at your arm now" it then did the exact same thing to my arms and legs. They found me a few months ago. I had been shoved into a box and my teeth had been sharpened to a  point from eating rats and any thing else that found they're way into the little box I was shoved into. Once I got out the first thing I ate was my favorite food. Human. After that I've been running around Texas eating people and running from the police. So watch out. You never know when I'll show up.

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