Exam Day

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"Alex, wake up. Alex. Alex! Wake up!" said a voice. I opened my eyes slowly, the harsh light of the morning sun stabbing my eyes like a million little knives. "What the fuck do you want, Joseph?" I snarled. Joseph, my room mate, sighed. "You have testing today, remember?" he responded. I shot up and got hit with a wave of nausea. "Dammit..." I mumbled, grabbing a water bottle. I took a swig from it and stood up slowly, with some help from Joseph. "The time is 8:17 am, breakfast is eggs and toast, just the way you like them." He reported. "Thanks pal." I said, smiling. I ran out the room into our small living room and grabbed the plate then bolted out the door.

I ate while I ran, dodging the usual obstacles that stood in my way. The children who were SO FUCKING SLOW, the Swan's house (fucking hate those neighbors and their little bitch of a daughter), and the area the police had closed off because of a murder. The demons were responsible for the murder. How do I know? The pentagram where they found the body. Joseph is a part time cop, so he kinda tells me about all the murders and shit.

Wait, I should probably explain the demons and how they arrived on earth. Midgard, earth, the mortal plain, call it whatever you want. Someone made a portal, hoping to harness the power of interdimensional travel, which opened up a portal to hell, which led to the leakage of some of the most violent and dangerous creatures. All I know now is that heaven is off fighting on the west coast while us on the east coast have to deal with the infestation until the angels arrive.

Luckily, someone had the bright idea of starting an organization that sent out task forces, or teams, to places where heaven's soldiers couldn't reach because of distance. Which leads me to running to the college campus because the testing was to see if you qualified to get into the Seven Knights Academy, the agency stationed here in Brooklyn. My dream was to get into the SKA so that I could personally crush the demons that took everything from me.

My mom's bloodied and horrified face flashed before my eyes as the demons clawed and tore her apart, her organs flying out from behind her as she screamed at me to run as fast as my little seven year old legs could carry me. I shook my head and scowled even more. That night, they took everything from me. When I get into the academy, I will take everything from them. I will kill them all and destroy hell. It's what I'm gonna do.

I ran into class, still plotting my revenge on those damned monsters. Class hadn't started yet (thankfully) but I was still eager to test. "What kind of test do you think it'll be, Alex?" asked a friendly and bubbly voice. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I turned around slowly, trying to think of something smart to say. "Uh, um, uh, I uh think it'll be a a test of physical prowess..." I responded stupidly. A girl with blonde curls, jade green eyes, and a smile that lit up my gloomy little world looked up at me. "You'll definitely ace it then." she said cheerfully. "You think so Alice?" I asked. She nodded, her curls bouncing like they were eager to fly.

"If you get in, send me a text okay?" she asked. I nodded and she patted my right arm. "You remembered to shine it this time!" she exclaimed happily. I nodded, my face turning bright red. "Did you use the oil I gave you?" she asked. I nodded again and she smiled. That damn smile made me smile too. "So Monsume finally polished that scrappy metal arm of his?" asked another voice. I turned around and saw Riley. He smiled and walked up to Alice, putting his arm around her. "How's my Alice doing today?" he asked. She smiled and said "I'm doing good. How about you?" He smirked and kissed her.

"I'm doing better now that I'm with MY girlfriend." he replied, emphasizing the word "my". "Yeah yeah, I get your drift you scumbag." I snarled. "Calm down or you'll melt that arm of yours!" he mocked. I clenched my fist, feeling the blood substitute flowing fiercely. My heart (well, mechanical heart really. Clockwork heart to be exact. I had it made when I discovered I had a weak human heart) raced. I didn't punch him though. "If you want me to punch you, you'll have to grow horns, wings, fangs, claws, hooves, or a tail." I said. Riley laughed and walked off, dragging Alice with him.

She looked back at me apologetically. I simply sighed and sat down as the professor walked in. "Alright class, to the gym!" he said and everyone filed out of the class.

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