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Corie's pov

I nudge my nose as something tickled my nose and I end up with whip cream. What the fuck? Not even mentioning I had a painful ass headache. I moved around as I felt someone's arm around me. I jumped and looked down to see Marshall with a face drawn on him and not to mention a dick where his nostrils were. I tried not to laugh loud as he peacefully slept.

Marshall? I said nudging him but he didn't budge.

"Marshall" I repeated and he woke up.

"Umm yo mhm good morning" he slurred rubbing his eyes and wincing when he felt pain. I guess he had a hangover too.

"What the fuck is that white stuff on your nose because we didn't fuck" Marshall said pointing out as he snickered.

"It's whip cream dumbass and I think you should go look in the mirror" I pointed out laughing. He walked over to the bathroom and I followed.

What the fuck? He yelled and I burst in laughter.

Those childish ass motherfuckers Marshall said under his breath.

I know how we can get them back I said as an idea popped up in my head.

How? he said.

10 minutes later

Me and Marshall were walking upstairs with a bag of flour and a bucket of water. We snickered quietly as we walked down the hall.

"Shh try to be quiet" I said.

I opened up the door to Jade's room. We moved quietly but quickly. Marshall put his hand in the bag of flour and I did the same. We raised our hand before slapping Proof and Jade. They woke up scrambling and yelling.

"Yo what the fuck" Jade yelled.

"Somebody gon get a gon bust in they monkey ass" Proof yelled.

Me and Marshall erupted in laughter as they continued to yelled.

You know how hard it's gonna take to get this out of my hair? Jade yelled.

Yeah but we thought we'll help you with that I said before pouring water them.

Oh my fucking bajesus! Jade yelled before jumping out the bed and chasing.

Everybody getting fucked up today Proof said before running after me and Marshall. We laughed as we ran downstairs. When they caught up to us they started hitting and we started fighting back.

I'm gonna kill you Jade said as I continued laughed.

Think about that the next time you try and prank me I said.

Yeah and whoever put the dick under my nostrils is gonna get their ass beat Marshall said.

Jade and Proof started devilishly laughing. We stop fighting and settled down.

"I had a headache and you guys made that shit even worse. I'm gonna go shower" Jade said pretending to be angry and childishly stomping out the room.

Can I join Proof asked.

Jade smiled winking but said no.

At least I tried Proof said before Jade kissed him walking off.

I'm so gonna get you for this Marshall said to Proof said and once again we started laughed .

" I have the worst headache in the world right now " I said getting some Motrin .

" Yeah me too " Marshall said trying to get his dick that was drawn on his face off .

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