Description of Nikita

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Full name: Nikita Isabella Dragon-fire

Nick name: Kita by the four hobbits

Hair: Black waist length hair gets purple streaks when she turns into her fairy form

Eyes: a bright purple colour

Fairy form: picture of outfit above just not so sparkly and minus frills on legs. Remember she suppose to have black hair and purple eyes

Parents: Eric and Isabella Dragon-fire king and queen of the fairy people

Guardians: Elrond and Gandalf (Uncle and Grandfather figures)

Personality: shy around new people especially humans, not afraid of a challenge or to stand up for what she belies is right, caring and protective of friends, loves animals, speaks both english and elvish, good bow and arrow, she doesn't trust easily especially humans, misses her people and her parents dearly

Species: 3/4 fairy and 1/4 elf and everyone believes(besides the elf leaders and Gandalf) her to be an elf

Likes: animals, practicing magic, being in her fairy form, relaxing with her friends, to read and swim.

Dislikes: bullying, human kind, fighting, seeing love ones die and the ring of power.

Fear: has none except for being used for her power

Dream: to one day find her soulmate and to have a family of her own

Powers: can control plants and the four elements, healing abilities, spell casting, flight (only inf fairy form), change into a fairy and talk to animals is at her strongest in fairy form. Both sun and moon give her strength.

Weakness: cold weather especially surrounded by cold, it can easily kill her if she is exposed to it for to long.

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