Me, my mom, and my sister were sitting down at the table eating. "This is really good.", my sister said.
"Hey Luna, when you're done eating, can you please go to the store to get stuff for lunch? The pantry is almost empty.",my mom said. "Sure. ", I replied replied back groggily. "I'm gonna go get ready. ".
I went upstairs and took a quick shower. I got out and blow dried my hair. I put it up into a high ponytail. I put on jeans and a long sleeve shirt with a jacket. I threw on a scarf and went downstairs.
"I love you dear. Please be safe and don't slip on any ice.", my mom said before I walked out of the door. As soon as I did, a blast of cold air hit me. Then it started raining.
"Ughhh!", I yelled. I hate when it seems super cold, but doesn't snow, it just rains.
I walked to my car and opened it. I got in and turned it on. Music blasted from the radio from me not turning it down yesterday. I reached forward and turned it off and turned the window wipers on. I drove out of the driveway and out of my neighborhood.
When I got to the 4th light, no one was moving. People were filing up behind me and honking. I didn't know what was going on, so I turned on the news.
"There has been an accident on Woodstope road. One of the cars slipped on ice and the other got hit. The drivers are in critical condition. Please be safe on the roads.",the news lady said.
I need to tell my mom.
I got my phone out of my pocket and texted my mom.
Me: hey mom. It's gonna be a while until I get back. There was an accident on Woodstrope road. We still haven't moved. I love you.Mom💗: okay dear. Please be safe. I love you too.
Me: will do.
Then I turned off my phone and sat in the same spot for an hour. The fire department was moving the the cars out of the road. We finally got moving. I was driving and then I saw one of the cars from the accident.
It had dents everywhere and the front windows were shattered. The door was stuck open. I drove past and got onto a much less crowded back road.
There was almost nothing on this road except a few barn houses and stables. One side of the road is flat with some hills. The other side is a far drop down. Next to this far drop, there is a forest. The forest is huge with millions of trees. No one ever goes there, because there are rumors about cannibals and psychos roaming the woods. The more chilling part about the woods is, this looks almost completely identical to the forest in my nightmare.
I was avoiding some small patches of ice and I finally got to the store.
-------------skip trip-----------------------
I ran back to my car with my groceries. It was raining harder and my bag ripped in half. I got into the car and started it.
I drove back to the farm road. I don't know what it was, but the forest made me curious. No one knew what was in those woods. No one even dared anyone to go into the woods. They were barely even spoken about.
I looked up from thinking and saw a deer. "OH SHIT!!", I yelled and swerved out of the way. I slipped on a piece of ice. That ice sent my flying off of the road into the woods.