I woke up, surrounded by trees. I could see my face in my car mirror that was sitting next to me. My face was stained with tears and burning in the cold. There was a shard of glass sticking out of my cheek. I tried to pull some of the glass out of my arms and legs, but it hurt making me wince in pain. I just left it in.
I'll probably bleed a lot if I pull them out.
I decided it was time to get up. I put my hand on the ground, immediately regretting my descision. Glass stabbed into my palm. I picked up my hand. I found a rock and used it to help myself up. Standing made me feel light headed, so I leaned on a tree for support. The dizziness went away, and I started walking. My legs were stinging with every step I took, but I kept walking. I don't know where, but I needed to get out of there. My car looked like it would fall at any second.
I was walking for a little bit and it started raining. I found shelter under a large bush. Some of the water escaped through the bush's branches. I sat playing with the branches when I saw lightning in the distance. A huge crack erupted through the air and shook the trees. It made chills go through my body.
A few moments later I saw someone walking in the distance.
"Oh god", I mumbled to myself. This person wasn't holding a person, and it definitely wasn't the man from earlier. This person looked like a small woman holding a chair. This chair didn't look normal, though. I looked different. This chair had spikes layered over it. There were straps over the legs of the chairs and the arm rests. There was one more big strap around the back of the chair. I could only imagine what it was used for.
After the woman walked out of my view, I heard footsteps way closer to me. I saw a pair strong legs walk right across my view. I quickly took in a breath and held it. The branches and dead leafs around his feet were crackling. He stopped right in front of me.
Goodbye world. I'm going to get hurt. He's going to kill and eat me.
His feet turned towards my hiding place. He stopped. He sat still for a while. He lifted up his arm and sneezed. It kind of startled me, and I jumped a little. He looked down at the bush, almost looking straight into my eyes. He had a long scar on his face. His eyes were dark brown, almost black. His hair was a light brown and was really short.
This is the man who is going to kill you. You might as well get out and introduce yourself.
He looked away to to something in the other direction. I looked too. A group of teenagers. It looked like they got into an accident, too. There was glass in their legs and arms, glistening in the moonlight. I gasped, but the man couldn't here me. My noise couldn't be heard over the sound of the kids yelling for help.
" CAN SOMEONE HELP US? WE'RE LOST!", a boy yelled out. The man pulled an axe out of his leather jacket and started running towards the kids. I wanted to tell them to run, but it was too late. The man reached the first kid and hacked him from behind.