Sing me to sleep
A delicate, exhausted soul
Because I
I need to sleep now
Your eyes shine
I see so many things
Memories, good times, and tears
In the end
It was you who made it all worthwhile
Every minute
Every second
Every moment
I lie silent in your arms, broken
But you
You gaze upon me with so many emotions
The world is reduced to us
A mere speck on the earth
But you made me, someone so small, feel huge
I can see everything I ever was in your eyes
Even still
Staring into something of such beauty
The world is small
And your hushed voice
It is all coming to an end now
With lungs that have grown weak, I draw in shallow, fleeting breaths
With a mere murmur as a heartbeat
my body grows weak
You weep
Yet you also smile
Why is that?
I wonder
But i am unable to form words
The words I try to form come out as unarticulated nonsense
You look down on me again
With big
Sad eyes
Your gaze
It tells me not to look away
So I don't
I stare into your eyes
You hold me
Lie next to me
You have always been the warmth while I've been cold
You press your lips to mine
This feels better than when we got engaged
When you promised to be mine
The first time we kissed
And I feel like I am loving you all over again
I respond
I respond as best I can
You kiss me still
And there are so many emotions
In your lips
In your taste
In your shaking body
And your tears as they glisten like the stars and fall freely onto my face
The life starts to leave my body
I try to fight it
I try so hard
And you cry harder
For you
You know
You know that what's coming
You kiss me as you sob
I cry too
I wish you wouldn't cry
Beautiful eyes should never cry
But perhaps
Just maybe
This is the reason they are so beautiful
Because they have cried
Seen and been through terrible things
That's why your eyes glow
As if nothing else matters
But the vivid and luminescent shine of your eyes
I'll miss them
I'll miss you, too
It's relentless
This heavy tiredness
It tells me to sleep
To stop
To lie still
That it's okay
That there's no more pain
Or suffering
With hands of great strength
My eyelids are being tugged downward
I beg it
To stop
To wait
I need him
I feel his lips
But even that is fading now
It's all gone
I swim in a void of black
And weightless
I look around
I search for your eyes
Your hands
But there is nothing
I sink further into a heavy darkness
A void of eternal black
I close my eyes for what I know will be the last time
With my last seconds
And last breath
I whisper
"I love you"
The world and all it ever was
All I ever was
Wanted to be
It falls away
And there's nothing.
It's all gone.
AlteleIn this book I'll be posting poems (duh ;) ) Some very personal others dedicated to people. Please enjoy!