Meet the Parents...Oh! and Grandma

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Normani looked between her grandma and her new Daddies.

"Um these are my friends that I meet at lunch."

She was staring at Lauren and Dinah hoping her grandma would believe me.

She just raised her eyebrows. "M'Kay Normani but I'm gonna find out your little secret."

Lauren smiled. "I like your grandma."

Normani covered her face embarrassed. Her new green eyed "friend" just implied her grandma was cool.

Two pairs of footsteps started walking down the steps.

"Nice of you to join us."

Normani shrugged. "Sorry?"

Her grandma shook her head. "Andrea don't blame the child we did just barge in here."

Her mother looked at Dinah and Lauren.

"Who are these two ladies."

She sounded polite

Lauren smiled. "I'm Lauren Jauregui." She looked at Dinah. "And this is my wife Dinah Jane."

Andrea smiled. "Nice to meet you."

Derrick smiled as well holding his wife's hands standing behind her.

Her mother looked at her. "Well Normani I'm sorry honey but we have to sell your apartment."

She smiled nodding. "Okay."

Her mother, father, and grandmother looked at her weirdly.

Her dad looked at her concerned. "Are you feeling alright?"

Dinah held back a laugh as she smiles. "Normani is gonna be living with us for awhile."

Normani nodded. "Yeah they offered me a place at their house."

Andrea smiled softly. "Thank you but Normani can live with us."

Dinah just shook her head. "It's fine honestly besides we're going on a trip to Italy in two days so it's better if she stays with us."

Her dad finally said something. "Well have fun Normani."

She smiles. "I will."

She kissed and hugged her parents along with her grandmother goodbye.

She basically rushed them out of the house.

The girls looked at Normani. "Your family is very nice. Your grandma likes Lauren."

Normani rolled her eyes. "My family is embarrassing and my grandma knows you aren't my friends so yeah."

Dinah grabbed Normani's hand. "Come on let's go to your room and pack your things."

Normani nodded, taking the girls upstairs she looks out the windows that showed the city. A smile peered upon her face seeing the view.

She took the girls to her room and started packing a few clothes, shoes, makeup, personal items.

While Dinah was helping Normani pack some things Lauren couldn't help but stare at Normani's ass.

Normani was bent over folding clothes and putting them in the suitcase.

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