The New Girl

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It's just another sloppy Monday morning and my stupid alarm just had to wake me up. I lazily got out of bed and did my usual morning routine. You know brush your teeth and all of that other synchronized shit. Anyways yesterday was the last day of summer and I spent it with my amazing boy best friend,Justin,and we had a blast! Well I did.
"Justin I can't believe that you carried me to a carnival!" "Hey what are best friends for?"
*2 hours later*
"Man that was awesome!" I said jumping up and down." Yeah for you" Justin said sarcastically while rolling his beautiful caramel eyes under the moonlight. Hey he might be my best friend but you can't say he's not hot. He. Is. HOT. But anyways "For the past two hours you had fun while carried all of the food and shit!" He said trying to act mad."Aww are you mad at me?" I asked my voice came out as a whisper while I lowered my head with tears building up in my eyes and I made my best puppy dog face. Justin let out a long sigh and smiled."No I can never be mad at you" and he engulfed me into a big bear crushing hug." Justin I...can't....breathe" " Oh sorry" he loosened a little bit but still hugged me and I sniffed his amazing scent. Is that weird? No I don't think it is. We shared a happy laughter.
I looked at myself in the full body length mirror and sighed. I then grabbed my bag and car keys and ran into the kitchen where my mom was slurring nutella on a slice of bread." Morning sweetie" she said smiling brightly at me." Morning mom have you seen dad?" "Oh yes sweetie he had to go on a trip to save more lives" she said. "Oh well..uh okay if you hear from him tell him I said hi" "okay sweetie. Do you want anything to eat?" "Oh no not really feeling that hungry today" I said and I grabbed a slice bread with nutella on it and faked a smiled." Oh okay honey have fun at school" " Good luck at work. Bye mom!" I yelled from the hall. "Bye honey!" She yelled from the kitchen. I walked over to my mint green Ferrari. I sat in there,closed my eyes,and laid my head on the stirring wheel. My dad is never home and most of the times my mom isn,t there either. I understand that they are too busy saving lives because they are both doctors but I need my own saving right now. Yeah I know that I probably sound like a heartless bitch right now but I miss my parents so much that it hurts.I started the engine and drove off to school. I walked into school and people were staring and whispering to each other that only means one thing. New kid. I casually walked to my locker and turned to my left only to see the new kid. Who was a girl by the way and she seemed to be very beautiful and already had the popular crowd drawn to her including me and Justin. Justin saw me and smiled I faked a smiled, closed my locker and briskly walked to class.

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