Chapter 5?

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"Harry! What is wrong with you!?" the girl in the bath robe shouted as she ran into the smoke filled room.

It was then that the curly haired boy realized his breathing had stopped and he was thrown into a coughing fit trying to find oxygen in the smoky room.

“Gemma, what happened!?” he shouted back at the girl.

“What the hell do you mean?” she was enraged as she stood in front of the now open kitchen window fanning the smoke out of the room. “Once again you were off in damn dreamland! You left the food on the stove too long and it set on fire!”

“Oh, sorry.” He said in a monotone manner before getting a paper plate to help fan away the smoke.

“Damn right you are! This is the third time something like this has happened! Now my freshly washed hair is going to smell like smoke thanks to your sorry ass and-“ “Alright Gem, that’s enough.” Spoke a comforting voice from behind Harry.

“But mum he-“ “I said enough.” She cut her off a second time.

The girl whose hair was dripping water grunted and stormed out of the room.

“I’m sorry mum, I didn’t mean to-“ “I know baby.” His mother spoke bringing him into a tight hug. “Why don’t you go back up to bed and get a couple more hours sleep?”

“But I have school.” He protested confused. “That’s alright, you can take a day off honey.” She spoke barely audible before kissing his head and sending him off.


“My baby boy!? What happened to him?” Anne’s voice cracked as she spoke into the phone, an unfamiliar voice who identified as a cop, breathing at the other end.

“Mrs. Stlyes-“



“Mrs. Cox.”

“Sorry. Mrs. Cox, your son is completely unharmed. We have an officer bringing him home right now.” He spoke sternly.

“Oh- okay. Thank you, very much.” She hung up the phone and let out a large sob and sat on her couch continuing to sob until she heard a car door shut in front of her house. She stood wiping the tears from her face taking a deep breath in hopes to make the tears stop. It worked momentarily but when she opened her front door to find her fourteen year old son walking up her front steps with blood covering him and an officer behind him, they began flowing again.

“My baby.” She sobbed as she ran to him engulfing him in her arms. It wasn’t until after taking a good look at his face that she noticed his puffy eyes and tear soaked cheeks.

“He isn’t hurt, maybe emotionally but not physically. He tried to save his friend from getting murdered. He came to the station a mess, crying and out of breath. But we didn’t make it in time to save her.” It was the end of the sentence that threw Harry into sobs again.

“Her?” Anne asked, “What was her name?”

“Addison.” The officer said and spoke again in response to the confused look on her face, “Addison Malik?” he said hoping to ring a bell.

“I don’t know the name.” She said.   


That had happened Friday morning. 2:00 am to be exact. And it was now Monday. Harry hadn’t gone to school that Friday and he didn’t have a problem with skipping out from it today.

He had tried a lot since that horrible night to forget everything and be normal for his mother, but he couldn’t. Every time he closed his eyes or even looked at an empty wall he would either see Addison’s eyes that were obviously filled with pleads of help that he was unable to see before, or her cold lifeless body lying on the floor covered in blood. And all he could hear was her helpless voice screaming for help.

He knew that anytime soon his mother wouldbe asking him what had happened that day,  who the girl was and why it broke him so much that he would never see her again.

A/N: So I guess this is kind of a teaser almost.

I am thinking of continuing this story if anyone wants me to.

I have an idea to go with this. If not I might upload a couple more "Bonus Chapter" things or just end it all together. Let me know what you think!  <3






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