Chapter 6

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"Harry?" A soft familiar voice came from the doorway and Harry tore his gaze from the window to the door where he found his mother peeking her head into his room.

"You can come in." He said sitting up in his bed.

"Hi baby. How are you feeling?" Anne asked and Harry replied with a shrug of the shoulders. They sat in silence for a moment before she spoke up again. 

"Harry, who was she?"

His head slowly dropped until he was looking into his lap. A sad smile formed on his lips as he thought about the magical girl he had fallen in love with.

"Her name was Addison. I met her at the corner store after school one day. About three years ago." Anne's eyes widened, "Three years and I never met or heard of her?" Harry shrugged, "Sorry honey, continue." And he did.

"She didn't go to school with me or anything. So I only saw her by chance every once and a while." Harry let out a small chuckle, "I called her Casper. You know, like the friendly ghost? Cause she was always disappearing on me. Anyway, she never really told me much about herself. She was quite secretive. That was one thing I liked so much about her. She was a mystery to me. A beautiful one." He got lost in his thoughts for a moment before remembering who he was talking to.

"Sorry." He straightened up. "Its okay honey." She smiled.

"Well, on Thursday I saw her and as always I tried to get her to hang out with me, but as always she said she didn't have money and when I offered to pay for her she said she didn't have the time. She was going to Whittington again."

"Again?" Anne cut him off. "Oh, yeah. She had been there before for things like a busted lip. She always said she was getting in fights. But I was never quite sure to believe her. I knew when she was lying. She wouldn't look me in the eye, and her voice would get soft and she would start to stutter. I don't why she got so nervous. She did a lot. Every time she did I wanted to just take her in my arms and hold her and tell her that everything was alright. That I would never let anything hurt her." He paused, "But I did." He let a tear fall from his eyes and quickly wiped it away.

Anne wanted to wrap her son up in her arms and hold him there forever. He was hurting so bad and she hated seeing him like this. So she put her arm around him and him closer to her, as if to say 'It's okay, I'm right here.' 

"Anyway. She looked pretty beat up but I didn't want to make her feel self conscious so I just ignored it and acted like I didn't notice it. Like I usually do when she tries to hide it with make up. But I offered to go with her and she let me. I was surprised but really happy that I would finally be spending more than ten minutes with her." He smiled wishing he could go back and have that time with her all over again. "Everything was going fine at the hospital until they brought a cop in to ask her questions. I didn't know where the questions were coming from. And then she started flipping out. There was such terror in her eyes, I wanted so badly to get her out of there. Take the pain away.  But they sent me away so I waited outside. Then I watched a man follow her and I ran to get the cops." Harry took a deep breath.

"We were too late." He let out the breath, fresh tears following it. 

"I loved her mom. Everything about her. In those three short years. I fell in love with her entire being." He sobbed.

"Her smile was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, next to her eyes of course. And the few times she laughed," he let out a chocked chuckle, "it was like music. I bet she had a beautiful voice and could sing like an angel. If I only I could have heard it." He paused letting himself breathe to calm down, "I never found out why she lived with her uncle. Or where she even lived. Or if she even liked it there! I was a horrible friend to her! And I was her only friend." He began sobbing again, "She told me that once, a little while after we first met. When she still looked fresh and young. And there was still light in her eyes. But I didn't believe her. I thought she was joking. Until one day I realized she wasn't. She never mentioned any friends names, unless she was talking about when she was home. I never even knew where home was for her. But she must have liked it better than here because she always talked about wanting to go back." After a few minutes of breathing he managed to calm down some.

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