Chapter 26 ( Birthday special )

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Warning: smut

The sunlight peeked through the blinds hitting his eyes forcing Kyungsoo to curl further in his bed shielding his eyes. Half awake now, he tried to move his body and was aware of the familiar weight and warm around his waist. It would feel like déjà vu, if it's not for the place is in his bedroom in his family's house. Sehun apparently managed to coax him once again into become a wanton mess last night, he never have been more turned on, when he had to keep quiet all through their escapade with his parents and grandmother sleeping few rooms away from them.

He could feel Sehun's morning wood poking on his sore backside. And to avoid that despite how much he was enjoying himself last night, Kyungsoo wriggled his way out from under Sehun's arms and trudged towards the bathroom grabbing his shorts along the way.

Kyungsoo went down for breakfast after that, his parents already having their breakfast while his grandmother took her usual morning walk. He mumbled a good morning to his parents before chomping down his egg roll.

"Where's Sehun?" asked his mother.

"He's not a morning person, but he'll wake up soon," he replied. Kyungsoo did not want to imagine what will happen if he did wake Sehun up, he might get pull for another round of sex. And it's better for his parents not to intrude on that.

"We have to go somewhere today, Kyungsoo," his father said, sipping on his coffee. "We'll be visiting your aunt in the next town, it's been a long time since we saw her and we'll be back tomorrow."

Kyungsoo just nodded. He is used to his parents travelling and visiting here and there. "Oh, your grandmother is going with us too," His mother added.

Kyungsoo dropped his eggroll, surprised. "What? So I'm alone? Why don't you bring me along too?"

His mother laughed, "No, you silly, if we bring you too then Kyungsoo will be alone here, you can show him around while he's here."

"Huh? He's not going to stay here any longer, Mother." He said firmly. "He's going back after he shower and breakfast, that's it!"

"I beg to differ, in fact I love to stay here for a few days, to get to know Kyungsoo's hometown." Sehun interjected as he walked into the dining room freshly showered and dressed, sending a smirk at scowling Kyungsoo, who look like he want to fling the chopsticks at him.

"That's lovely, Sehun. Hope you enjoy your day here. I'm sure Kyungsoo can bring and show you around," said Kyungsoo's father, sharing a smile with his wife.

Sehun took a seat beside a now sulking Kyungsoo, chewing silently on his eggroll, Kyungsoo knew he was going to lose again if he bring up an argument.


Kyungsoo saw his parents and grandmother off to visit his aunt, when he received a text from Suho saying,

'Hey, so Wufa asked me to pass this message to you.

Sehun's birthday is today if you not aware of it.

So make sure you treat him nice.

Wufa said that not me.

Anyway enjoy your time with your boyfriend D.o!


Kyungsoo was tempted to throw his phone away after reading the message but decide against it, he read the message again.

Sehun's birthday is today? Should I just wish him 'happy birthday'? But then he might request something perverted from me for his present. That bastard! Not going to happen! But... he celebrated my birthday, gave me that awesome camera bag and the thing we did after that... why the hell I'm aroused just by thinking of it! Snap out of it Soo!

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