Chapter 32

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"Let's have our own booth too!" Suho announced as he barged into Kyungsoo and Baekhyun's room.

"No." both Baekhyun and Kyungsoo said deadpanned.

Suho pouted with his puppy dog eyes, "Eh~~~ Why? It's going to be fun!" For the students of Sm. Academy are allowed to join the winter festival in the town and the students participated will have their own Christmas booth.

"You're going to make us do something ridiculous," Kyungsoo said.

"Why do you even said that D.o?"

"Let's just say we have a bad premonition" Baekhyun supplied.

Suho is now brooding at the corner of the room wallowing in his sorrow. "You guys are mean."

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and sighed, "What do you want to sell anyway?"

In a split second Suho back to his happy go lucky self that Kyungsoo swore he could see Suho's tail wagging happily behind him. "We can sell cakes or cookies! Left the baking to me if you want! You two can just help me with the sale."

"It doesn't sound so bad, right Soo?" Baekhyun said, clearly hooked to the idea. Kyungsoo still feeling unsure about the whole idea, he knew Suho has some tricks up his sleeves.


"Suho… I think you bought the wrong one for us…" Baekhyun's face was red with an embarrassment trying to tug hopelessly at the rather short dress Suho had decided on.

"No, it's perfect, and it's the right size too!" Suho grinned happily at the sight of both Kyungsoo and Baekhyun dressed in female Santa outfit.

"YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" Kyungsoo yelled loudly that brought other onlookers. "I know this is a bad idea! And why does it have to be so short? It's cold you idiot!" It was not an indecent length but still short enough to show off plenty of leg.

"But the leggings should cover it for you," Suho said simply. Baekhyun barely stop Kyungsoo from throwing the Christmas cake on Suho's laughing face.

"Now, now customers will be coming shortly with how you two are attracting attentions, if I'm not attached with Wufa, I'll date both of you," Suho winked before disappeared into the booth to prepare for the opening.

Kyungsoo fisted his knuckles, steams clearly dissipated from his ears in anger. "That manipulating git, I knew Glasses is a bad influence on him."

"Well… both of them are practically similar anyway," Baekhyun said though he is too pissed off but he is more embarrassed to be out in the open with outfit like that rather than dwell in anger. "Let's just do our best ne," he patted his best friend in comfort.

Kyungsoo huffed. "Fine, I'll make sure he owe me," Kyungsoo relaxed himself, he know he just going to waste his energy getting agitated at Suho again. He fixed his fluffy Santa hat and dress before going to attract customer for their booths, Baekhyun helped Suho in selling the cakes at the booth itself.


"Oh my, this is a surprise, Kyungsoo."

Kyungsoo swivelled around to come face to face with Kai. Kyungsoo flinched wondering why he has to meet this guy again.

"I didn't know you are that fond of dressing up," Kai leered. "The last time, you're not that happy with it."

"For your information, I was forced! Now if you're not a customer please move away, as you can see I need to do my work," Kyungsoo stood up for himself boldly.

Kai looked amused at this and leaned in closer to Kyungsoo. "I was hoping to buy a cake with a feisty sweet like you."


SM. Academy 》Sesoo (Chanbaek, Krisho)Where stories live. Discover now