Chap 13: All better now?.

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I don't know why but I'm addicted to this song Lucian drift feat. Sleeper. It's really good lmao.


The kids were the first to awake, then the olders. They seemed better and more energized, but just to be sure Kyungsoo, Suho, and Luhan checked their temperatures just to make sure they didn't have a fever anymore.

After checking Kai, Kyungsoo blew out a breath of relive " He's fine too"

The olders sighed in relief.

"Good. I didn't like the fact of getting puked on 'tao' kris emphasized Tao.

Tao whined appa before pouting. Everyone laughed while Kris pinched Tao's cheek.

"Well since that's over with I'm gonna go make breakfast" Kyungsoo dusted off his pants and made his way to the kitchen.

"I'll help" said Xiumin who happily followed Kyungsoo to the kitchen. Why wouldn't he be happy? The guy loves food.

"Me too" Suho stood next and point at the remaining olders in the room. "You guys get the kids washed up and ready for breakfast"

"Gotcha" Kris said as Suho left "okay panda and my baby sheep, lets get you guys washed up" lay and Tao ran into Kris's arm. Kris picked up the two one in each arm and left up the stairs.

"Lets go, Sehun and chen" Luhan outstretched his hands that Chen ans Sehun instantly grabbed.

Chanyeol was the next to leave but be got up slowly. His body was aching and his head pounding. He sniffed "come on baek and kai" he didn't touch the kids they just followed him up the stairs.


Baekhyun and kai sat in the tub playing with bubbles and rubber ducks. They were laughing and giggling so cute.

Dispite Chanyeol feeling like crap he smiled and looked at the two youngers playing.  Then thoughts invaded his mind.

'I wish I grew up like this as a child' Chanyeol thought but then he frowned upon the memories of his parents leaving majority of the time and putting the maid in charge of him. ' But at least I have them as my family'  he smiled again.

He grew tired and sleepy. He don't know why but his body was hot while he felt cold it was weird. His eyes started to get droopy but he tried his best to stay awake.

"Appa are you okay?" Baekhyun asked.

Chanyeol shot his head up. "Yeah I'm fine baby continue playing" he plastered a smile on his face.

Baekhyun looked at him again before continuing his gave with kai. While they played Chanyeol was slowly fall ing asleep. He couldn't help but fall out the chair shivering.

Baekhyun and kai panicked "DADDDYYYYYY!!" they screamed.



Kyungsoo dropped the plate that was held in his hand. He looked at Suho then at xiumin. They dropped what they were doing and bolted up the stairs.

Kris and Luhan was a already in front of the door that the source of the scream came from, along with the kids. Luhan had on grey jogger he was shirtless showing off his defined abs. Kris wearing skin tight black pants with a white t shirt. Both had water dripping off of them. They must have just finished showering. Xiumin glanced at luhan and gulped.

Luhan was the first to bust the door and run the bathroom. When everyone else piled In there they saw a pale Chanyeol and panicing kids.

"Chanyeol" Kyungsoo said and he bent down next to the giant. He felt all around his face and neck. "He's burning up" Kyungsoo said even thought it was pretty clear Chanyeol was shivering.

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