~~Nineteen~~Once Again~~

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**Mature Chapter Not All Of This Chapter Is Dirty...I'll Let You Guys Know When The Dirty Part Is Over With**

Aliyah's POV

I woke up to the sunlight shining in my eyes.

I slowly sat up, and I instantly regretted it. I had a pounding headache.

"Hey sexy." I heard Blake say.

I bit my lip, and smiled. His morning voice is hot.

"Hey." I whispered, rolling over so that I was straddling him.

His hands instantly went to my waist and I leaned down to kiss him.

He kissed back and started moving my hips, causing me to grind against him. I felt him get hard and I moaned.

He lifted me up and slid his member into me. I moaned and steadied myself by putting my hands on his chest.

He started thrusting up into me and I rolled my hips every few thrusts.

"Fuck." Blake moaned, causing me to bite my lip.

He flipped us over and started pounding into me and I felt a knot instantly start to form in my stomach.

"B-Blake." I whimpered. "I'm c-close."

"Me t-too baby g-girl." Blake moaned back.

He reached down and started to rub my clit with his thumb. I threw my head back and arched my back.

I felt my walls clench around him and he froze for a second before continuing.

"Do that again baby." He groaned.

I arched my back and I felt my walls clench around him again.

"I'm g-gonna, mm, c-come B-B-Blake, fu-uck." I moaned.

"Babe...m-me too." Blake moaned in my ear, burying his head in my neck.

I rotated my hips as he thrusted into me and I felt his juices fill me up, pushing me over the edge.

**The Dirty Part Is Over Now**


I opened the front door and walked into the house, instantly hearing laughing.

I sighed and I felt Blake grab my hand and give it a reassuring squeeze.

We slowly walked into the living room and everyone's attention instantly turned to us.

"Hey!" Brandon yelled as he came over and hugged me and gave Blake a bro hug.

"Hey Brando." I said, and hugged him back.

"Where've you been?" Hunter asked, causing my eyes to widen.

"We went to my house because the door here was locked." Blake covered.

"Oh. Well why'd you leave in the first place?" Hunter asked us.

"Ali wasn't feeling too good." Blake told him.

I nodded my head and Tamzin and Saffire stood up and came over to me and Blake.

"Well, now that you're here, let's go." Tamzin said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me up the stairs to my room, closing and locking the door after we were all inside.

"You guys lied your asses off." She said, sitting down in my desk chair.

I plopped down into my bungee cord chair and looked down at my lap, playing with my fingers.

"What actually happened?" Saffire asked me.

"I don't remember anything from last night...but this morning...we... we um..." I said trailing off.

"Oh my god." They whispered in unison.

I just looked down at my hands.

"I don't know why I did it. I was drunk last night, and this morning...I don't even know." I said, placing my head in my hands.

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