My Cousin...

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Ok, so I don't remember if I told you guys why she was in the hospital or not.

But she was put in St. Luke's because she had one big blood clot, and two little ones.

Then they transferred her to Albany Med. And there they discovered that there was one big blood clot, a bunch of little blood clots, and not only that, but she has a tumor in her heart.

The tumor isn't a cancerous tumor, thank god, but it's still a tumor that need to be removed.

And they also discovered that the big blood clot is also in her heart.

It was extremely really early this morning when they decided that she needed open heart surgery, and fast.

But they couldn't perform the surgery at Albany Med because they've only performed a couple open heart surgeries before.

So they, once again, had to transfer her to a different hospital.

This time, they had to transfer her to a hospital called Columbia Manhattan.

Which, if you didn't know, is in New York City.

It's a four hour drive from where I live. From Utica, it's 3 hours by train. And I think, that my aunt told me that it's 5 minutes by helicopter.

The last update we got was at 5:30pm (it's currently 6:59pm) and they said that she had just arrived. And that was from another family member.

But we got an update from my cousins mom at 6:45pm (it is now 7:00pm) saying that they had just got there.

So there is currently a lot of confusion, which is making me upset.

My and my grandmother might go down with my aunt, but we aren't sure if we are leaving really soon, in the middle of the night, or tomorrow.

I'm just really upset about this right now. I've lost so many family members recently that just the thought of Chelsea (my cousin) needing surgery is scaring me.

If I lose her, then I don't know what I'll do. I just lost a family member last month. But it didn't affect me as much because I wasn't as close to that family member as I am to Chelsea.

I love you guys, and I'll keep you updated even if you guys don't care.

Bye for now...'s currently 8:10pm...and they just took my cousin in for the open heart surgery...

Also is currently 10:02pm and my aunt has decided that she didn't want to go down to Manhattan to be with Chelsea (well, our immediate family), so if something happens to Chelsea, I will never forgive my aunt...

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