december 10th, 2010

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So let's start from the beginning, not the beginning as in when the X-factor happened. That we all know of quite well. Let's start the day when Eleanor Calder came into the band. The day that I was out.

-December 10, 2010-

(Harry's POV)

I tried to open my eyes but something was telling me to sleep. "Wake up babe." Louis shouts opening my bedroom door and jumping on my bed. "Alright, I'm up." I said pecking him on the lips and sitting up. "So what do we have planned today?" I asked grabbing a pair of sweats and throwing them on. "Babe, I'm Louis Tomlinson not Liam Payne. Go ask him." He said giving me one last peck on the lips and walking out of the room. I followed behind him and walked into the kitchen. "Liam?" I shout seeing he isn't up yet. "Hold on, be down in a minute." I heard him shout from upstairs.

He finally walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cup for tea. "You rang?" He asked cheerfully. "Yea, what are we doing today?" I asked smiling. "Guys this is why I put this calendar on the fridge. So you know what we are doing, and when." He said pointing to the fridge and walking out with his cup of tea. "Liam.." I asked before he cut me off "December 10" he said in a sarcastic tone. I could feel him roll his eyes. "Thank you." I said with a smile

'Meeting with Uncle Simon'

'Interview with Management'

"Looks like today is not a fun day!" I said rubbing my eyes and letting out a yawn. "Yea, but we'll make it fun Haz." He said kissing me "shhhh we have to be quiet." I said as he pushed me up against the counter. The other boys are still in the living room so they haven't suspected a thing. Louis laughed giving me a playful slap on my chest and heading to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready.


We walked into Uncle Simons office. For some reason I was very nervous. I don't get nervous with uncle simon! He greets us with a hand shake and a hug and we take our seats. "Now, I have a few things I would like to chat with you about. Some bad,some good." He states putting his hands on the table. "I'll start with the bad." He said scooting closer to the table. "Alright as you boys can see What Makes You Beautiful is still number one in America but in other countries it's dropping to as low as spot 13. I think we should release one thing." I think we all were in shock. That song hadn't been perfected yet. I didn't know how in only a week would we perfect a song we hadn't sing together yet. "I know it's a shock but we are going to make it. Trust me." He said leaning back I his chair. I really want to trust him but I feel worried, how is he so calm about this? "Now, to the good news. We are making your tour dates soon." He said smiling. "That will be fun." Niall said smiling back cheerfully. "Alright you boys may leave Harry, Louis, May you boys stay after I would like to chat." He said as I shot a glance over to Louis. The boys left leaving simon, Louis and I alone. "I know about your relationship." He said. I saw Louis bite into his lip. "Um-m w-we a-r.." I tried to say but got cut off. "We will have to talk to management about this, we will have a meeting on the 17th. Do the others know?" He asked looking at me for an answer. "No, not that we know of at least." I said in a worried tone. "Well you should start by telling them." He said standing up from his chair. "Don't forget about your meeting with management later today. I would recommend not telling them or the others about your relationship, let me take care of that." He said shaking our hand and walking is to the door. "Oh hello boys. Eavesdrop much?" Louis said as the others boys came falling over as if their ears were brushed up against the door. They all blushed walking away at a fast pace

I smiled a quick smile at Simon before leaving.


We headed back to the house grabbed a bite to eat and off to our other meeting...with management. This meeting was going to be nerve recking for Louis and I we couldn't act like we liked each other or even be too friendly. I guess that's how Uncle Simon found out. "Ready?" Harry asked taping my thigh snapping me out of thought. "Yea, just give me a sec." I said looking down playing with my fingers. He could tell I was extremely worried. "Don't worry, we'll be fine just don't act like my wonderful boyfriend and we will be just fine." He said kissing my head and helping me out the car. I followed him into office building where the other boys were already having some sort of conversation with Tim (the head of management). "Oh hello boys glad you could make it." He said in a disappointed tone. "Hi." I said in a mumbled voice and sat quickly down in the chair between Zayn and Liam. "So let's proceed shall we?" He asked sitting down and scooting the chair closer to the table. "So I know you've talked to Simon about one thing having to come out." We nodded our heads as he continued "well we are going to have a interview with good morning America in 3 weeks to this day so be ready." He said. We all sighed, we were not looking forward to performing one thing live yet. "It's not going to be much just a few questions and you will be performing the two songs; what makes you beautiful and one thing. I'm hoping for it to be a big surprise for everyone.

We talked about how the performance would look like and how we would be dressing and such. We finally shook hands and walked out the door. "I don't think I'm ready for this." I said walking away from the room. "Don't worry I don't think any of us are." Niall said patting me on the back.

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