Honesty Tag

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I just got tagged by NerdyLovez to do this honest tag. Glob dammit. Now the Questions.

 Now the Questions

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

1. Have I done anything embarrassing in the last two weeks? I don't know. Maybe telling you all that I don't know two what happened two weeks ago to make me embarrassed, is embarrassing. I don't know. Anyone that knows me, tell me if I have. It wouldn't be that embarrassing 'cause I don't remember.

2. I don't usually do anything stupid at school. I think before doing most of the time. The worst would have been when I was in single digits. Wait, stupid and embarrassing is the same thing but it is last few weeks and school. I would say being one of those people who do what other people say and don't actually think about it. I was a damn good follower when I was a junior but I did unforgivable things.

3. Shrek is Love, Shrek is life. I still hate you Emzoisweirdsowhat

4. Stolen. What have I stolen? Does borrowing a disk and not given it back after a year count? Probably not. I can't think of anything. Maybe when I was under 5 and asked for a piece of luncheon (from the deli lady) without telling my mum and eating it. I haven't properly stolen anything.

5. Your biggest crush. Dammit. I haven't had a big crush. I have had things that I like the person for a bit then get over it quite quickly. It would be that I would be crushing on this guy:

 It would be that I would be crushing on this guy:

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

And then a day later I am like: No.

So that is it. Hope you like seeing me get tagged by someone.

My people who are getting tagged are:


And that's all. They will all hate me but I love them all.

Hope you have a lovely, lovely day and I'll be talking to you soon.


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