los Angeles

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After texting tyler I went to sleep well went back to my seat and feel asleep on Kevin's shoulder..

"Wake up!!!!!!" Emily yelled at us all it was about to be 11a.m Kevin woke up to me on his shoulder and he hugged me I woke up off that then I smiled "we have a lot to talk about Kevin" I say sitting up straight " I know you do you were up for a while texting someone" he says smiling at I laughed and then I saw your hotel up a head  and grabbed my bags and went to the front to be the first on to get up Zoe comes next up to me "you were up late texting what was that about?" She says "I'll tell you later" I say blushing"oh what ever you better tell me tho" she says " I will tell you"

"Here we are we have a show at Bala meet and greets" Emily says for some reason that girl is always happy. We get inside the hotel and we see her friend Frankie from Boston. "Okay we all meet Frankie know I have the room key Mario your with Kevin and the other room partners stay they same"

Me and Amanda go to our room "hey Amanda you know I'm leaving tour soon for my birthday right?" I say from in the bath room "no I didn't know that when is it?" She says " April 9th" I say "well as long as your coming back" she say I come out the bathroom with my outfit on I have a black and white striped golf shirt and white leggings with and black 29 in the corner of the leggings.

I cuple minutes later someone knocks on the door i open it it's Kevin I let him in "oh hey Kevin you want to know badly huh" I say laughing "uh duh" he says "hey hey Kevin oh Donnie I'm about to go over to Skylar's room" Amanda say walking out the door "kay" I say I walk over to the bed Kevin follows being me I undo my braids witch made my hair curly Kevin components my hair and  sit down next to him "so I was texting tyler last night" I say "but why for so long" he replied "cause just here take my phone and read the messages" I say going to my messages I remembered that I had to change his name back to tyler so I did then handed my phone to Kevin. "Aww you guys are so cute" Kevin says with the sweetest smile "so are you guys dating?" Kevin asked "no were just best friends you know" I say "yea I know well hugs before I go your My daughter" he gets up I hug him his hugs are the best "you know my birth day is the 9th I'm leaving them coming back" " you not leaving me" Kevin's say yelling going out the door.

Famously Crushed (T.B Story) //CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now