Famous Birthdays

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After you know I went to sleep forgetting to text tyler. I woke up this morning to Zoe calling me

Zoe❣: ahhhhh guess what

Donnie♥: want im tired

Zoe❣: I got my crown for musically today and I went on famous Birthdays an-

Donnie♥: what is famous Birthdays?

Zoe❣:  oh it's this website were they tell you how famous you are and they tell you your age and were your from

Donnie♥: oh cool but what were saying

Zoe❣: oh I'm 130 on famous Birthdays how cool that mean my mom is contacting someone to help me go on tour!

Donnie♥: how cool but talk to you later

Zoe: kay bye

After I get off the phone with Zoe I get dressed I put on a white shirt that has 29 In black and some white pants
Then brush my teeth and go down stairs "hey mom" I say sitting in a chair "hey what's up my little star" she says
"Nothing really mom what if I want to go on tour?" I asked "tour? We will have to see about that one" she replied "kay but we have enough time summer just started 2 weeks ago" I say then go upstairs

TheDonnie: hey Tyler sorry I have forgot to text

Itstylerbrown: it okay can't talk I'm with Kevin

TheDonnie: who?

Itstylerbrown: just my Bestfriend I fucking love him

TheDonnie: oh great well can i ask you a question? Before you go

Itstylerbrown: yea of course

TheDonnie: what do you know about famous Birthdays?

Itstylerbrown: oh they just tell you information about the famous person you look up why

TheDonnie: oh well I'm on there but finish what you doing thanks

Itstylerbrown: np baby girl talk to you later♥♥

After talking to tyler I go on famous Birthdays and look me up the great everything right yes I'm 15 and I do live in Philly crazy well I guess that's famous Birthdays

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