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Demi pov

I brought Sierra to my room and laid her on my bed and the cops wanted to ask me questions. After 30 minutes, they left and I locked the door and went upstairs. Where Sierra was watching tv. She looked at me and obviously could tell I was going to cry. She say up "mom, it's okay to cry. You don't alway have to be strong." She softly smiled. I smiled and sat next to her and hugged her.

"I'm so lucky to have you." I kissed the side of head. "Did he hurt you?" She asked. "No, don't worry about me." I said hugging her. "Let's just go to sleep okay?" I said. She nodded and she cuddled up close to me. I wiped my eyes as tears fell from them.

Sierra pov

I woke up and mom was wrapped around me, I gently untangled myself from her and got up. I wanted her to sleep for as long as possible. I went to my room and took a shower, I came out and grabbed my razors, I looked deeply at them I opened the toilet seat and threw them in, I let a couple of tears come out as I flushed "my best friends." I said. I grabbed my silk pink bathrobe with my name on back. ( I have that bathrobe and I really wanted to say that 😂)

I went downstairs and sat on the couch and went on Instagram, everyone was saying that it was all fake, or I did it for attention. How could I do anything for attention, I get SO much. I just started to laugh. It was now 10 and I knew mom had an interview today and 1. So I decided to wake her up. I went upstairs to her room where she was laying curled up. I stood next to her and tapped her "mom," I whispered, nothing happened, "MOM!" I yelled she looked at me put her hand to chest. "Oh my god. You scared me." Mom laughed picking me up and throwing me next to her then she tickled me.

"What time is it?" Mom asked. "It's 10 and I knew you had a interview." Mom kissed my head, "thank you darling." Mom got up and headed for the shower I got up and went to my room and changed

Mom got out of the shower and got dressed and her makeup artist come over to do her make up for interview with Ellen

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Mom got out of the shower and got dressed and her makeup artist come over to do her make up for interview with Ellen. "I'm hungry." Mom laughed while Kesly did her makeup. "I'll make you waffles and strawberries." I smiled dancing around the kitchen. "Oh my god your so cute." Kelsy said and couldn't help smiling. "Thank you sweetheart." Mom said snapchatting. I got out pre-made waffles and popped them in the toaster. I put my ear buds in and listened to "Wildfire"

I hummed in and looked at mom and couldn't help smile and freak out a little. "What?" Mom laughed snapchatting me. "Sometime I forget that I'm living with THE Demi Lovato" I burst out laughing. As did Kelsy and Mom. The waffles were done and I popped got them it and I got whipped cream and strawberries. I put the waffles on a plate on the granite countertop, then I cleaned the strawberries and cut the green part off, then I put some whipped cream on it and put the strawberries around the waffle, I did the same to mine. When mom was finished with her make up I handed them to her "looks divine" mom laughed. Mom sat next to me and Kelsy thought this was the cutest thing ever, we both had whipped cream falling out of our mouth and we looked at eachother and started laughing with our mouth closed and Kelsy took the picture.

It was now 12:00 and we had to go to he interview mom, brought David because I'm either with mom or David. When we got to the place and I was sent to the waiting/dressing room with David. She kneeled down to me "don't leave this dressing room with out David, and I love you so so much." She kissed my forehead and left with the stage manager. "Please welcome Demi Lovato!" Ellen said smiling.

Demi pov

I walked out and hugged Ellen and we sat down and waited for the crowd to settle, "so Demi! How are you?" Ellen asked.

"I'm okay, but shaken, after some things." I laughed nervously. "Oh really? What's going on?" Ellen asked.

"Well, me and Nick broke up yesterday. Because he is a total douche bag." I laughed. "I'm so sorry, but how is a *laughs* a douche bag?"

"well, I can't actually say, I was told not to." I laughed. "Did some thing serious, and it was scary to be honest." I laughed fixing myself in the seat. "Oh wow, sorry Demi, but on another note You went to New York! How was that! And you celebrated Sierras 13 birthday!" She smiled. "While, it started off sick, Sierra got the Stomach flu from Selena, and she was just not having fun." I said. "Looked like you were from your story" Ellen laughed. "We have this picture of you." Then we looked at the screen and it was the one with Sierra who has her head in the toilet and me smiling and doing a thumbs up. I Burst out laughing.
I hid my face "I-I I don't know." I started laughing. "The funniest thing is when Sierra looked at me she was about to say really but she started throwing up." I said tearing up from laughing. And Ellen was laughing. "So how was Sierra birthday?" Ellen asked. Then on the screen she put up a picture of her and me "it was awesome, Selena, Joe, and Nick were there." I smiled. "They are super sweet to her, Selena got her Kylie lipstick and make up because I won't let her wear makeup besides mascara." I laughed. "Sierra is obsessed with Keeping up with the Kardashians."

"Oh me to." Ellen laughed. "But she had a good day did she?" Ellen smiled. "Yeah, I unfortunately had the concert on her day, but I had her come out on stage and we all sang happy birthday. I'm pretty sure it's on YouTube if you don't believe me." I laughed.

Then Ellen laughed "so do you like New York? Because I know this was the first time yo really got to go around New York, and it was Sierras first time."

"Uh, it was fun, she loved it except I don't think I'll visit soon, because the police suck at there job there." I laughed. "What do you mean? Isn't there job to keep people safe? How can you suck at that?" Ellen laughed. "My daughter was almost kidnapped, that's how." I said seriously, then Ellen was like woah. "Tell the story oh my god."

"So, Sierra made this friend named Samantha, Hi samantha! She lives in Chicago, you might of seen her on my insta or Sierras by anyways, they were hanging out and Sierra was being nice and walked her back to her room. I wasn't with her obviously and she had gotten in the elevator and this guy." I started to clench my fists. "Woah Demi calm down." Ellen laughed, then I laughed "she backed away from him, and he fucking touched her. So she ran off the elevator and ran to the stairs, I guess she was so scared and she forgot our floor, when she was about to run down the stairs the guy followed her into the stair well. I was on the floor above the lobby and I could just hear screaming. Then she had told me she went to an officer and it was officer Paul, she told him she was being followed and the guy grabbed Sierra and told him she was schizophrenic and that the voices told her to."

I could feel myself getting very angry "I'm getting so mad talking about it." I laughed moving my hair out of the way. "So, the cop let her be! I walked downstairs to see what was going on, I get off the elevator and everyone is staring at these people, and I'm like oh my god that Sierra so I screamed her name and the cop was like oh shit, and she screamed back mom and then the cop jumped on the guy, she ran to me and I broke down crying. There were pictures taken by the paparazzi and they knew she was mine and they didn't do anything. Now she doesn't leave my sight and when I'm not with her David is." I said breathing hard. "Wow, that's terrifying, what did you do after that?" Ellen asked.

"I brought her to the room and she was freaking out really bad, she was shaking, screaming, hyperventilating and when she fell asleep I cried the whole night." I laughed when I said ' I cried the whole night.'

The interview finished and I hugged Ellen goodbye and went to Sierra. I saw her smile and I was so happy. "Princess!" I smiled picking her up. She may be 13 but she is my baby girl. She kissed my cheek ugh I love this girl so much

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